Chapter Seven: Fall Into the Sea

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Harry had settled into Grimmauld surprisingly quickly, and was dubbed "the young master" or "the young prince" by Kreacher almost immediately. The house-elf seemed to like that there was someone young to serve, and, by the same token, seemed to be quite eager to learn all about Harry's likes, dislikes, habits, and hobbies. He was constantly bowing to Harry, and while it took a little getting used to, he heard from Ron via letter that house-elves liked that sort of thing. It was on the occasion of July formally dawning that he had an unexpected visitor in the form of Dobby, who threw himself at Harry, as per usual.

"Hey, Dobby," Harry said, patting his head.

"Headmaster Dumbledore sends Dobby with a note for great Master Harry Potter, sir!" the little elf cried out, and held out the piece of parchment.

Harry took ahold of the parchment and looked it over for a moment before opening it up, while Dobby still clung to his legs.


I do hope this summer finds you well, when you are finally in your proper home.

As an early birthday present and with Dobby's full agreement, I've released him from service to Hogwarts, as he would rather make a home with you at Grimmauld. It appears as if young Dobby thinks of you as his master, and I wouldn't wish to have him saddened. If you agree to this, then, by all means, retain him into your service.

I will see you later this evening, during the first meeting of the Order of the Phoenix, scheduled to meet in the kitchen. Now that you are a permanent resident of the household and under Sirius's guardianship, I doubt you will be excluded.


Headmaster Albus Dumbledore

"Dobby," Harry said carefully, and the elf detached himself Harry's legs to look up at him. "Do you truly want to be my house-elf?"

"Yes, great Master Harry Potter, sir!" Dobby crowed. "Dobby always wants to help and serve great Master Harry Potter!"

Harry chuckled. "Very well, then," he said, getting to his feet. "Kreacher is preparing a feast in the kitchens for the order meeting this evening. Why don't you go and help him?"

"Yes, Master Harry!" he cried, throwing himself at Harry's legs again, before he vanished with a sudden crack.

Harry chuckled, putting the note from Dumbledore into his pocket as he moved out of the library and down the stairs. He could hear Sirius speaking to someone via the Floo Network, and assumed that it was Remus, due to be there later that evening. He was just concluding the call as Harry stepped into the living room, and gave his godson a smile.

"You look happier," he observed.

"Dumbledore's sent an early birthday gift," Harry replied.

"Oh?" Sirius asked. "What is it?"

"Well..." Harry began.

"Dobby only wanted to help!" came a shriek from the kitchen.

"Oh, Merlin," Harry said, and took off, Sirius at his heels, and threw open the kitchen door, and saw Dobby cowering in a corner, with Kreacher holding a cleaver aloft.

"Kreacher!" Sirius shouted, and Kreacher promptly took on a straight-backed stance, and lowered the massive knife.

Harry stepped forward then, beckoning to Dobby, and the younger elf promptly threw himself around Harry's legs. "Are you all right?" he asked him, looking him over for injuries. "Did Kreacher hurt you?"

"Just Dobby's feelings, great Master Harry Potter, sir," Dobby said, wiping tears from his eyes and cowering into Harry's shins.

"Kreacher," said Sirius, his tone firm, "what happened?"

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