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As we entered the atmosphere moving closer and closer to my once beloved home; a feeling of relief and trepidation washed over me

I was excited to be back, relieved to finally be able to treat and wake Leena, but i worried about seeing my brother again; worse challenging him for the throne

No matter how bad he might be, he was the rightful heir and now king by birthright. Did i really have the right to take it from him?

Would the people even accept my reign? My bonded?

Questions without clear answered pounded  in my head making it ache 

"Sir they are attempting  to comm us"

"WHo is it? my brother?"

"i am unsure?" the human pilot said 



I froze recongnizing the voice of my grandfather instantly

"What do we tell them about my father uncle and mother?"

Slix looked thoughtful

"You cant overthrow him if he finds out you killed your father and uncle.  i suggest you lie"  Kiera offered

"I agree. he will think you a traitor and never allow you to live. Besides you need  to raise  a following before you can succeed. The ones from earth that have pledged to support you are not yet here ; most here  are probably loyal to your brother and you have been gone a long time" Keira stated 

" I agree"  I told him 

"My prince the woman are ready for Transporting" Turkkal announced  interrupting our debate

I nod at him and turn back to he comm

"This is prince Xui returning" 

A long Silence followed my words 


I smirked. they probably were stunned and didn't know what to say to my announcement, Most likely calling my Brother this very minute

"Xui I strongly suggest we do not tell them any details of what really happened on earth, as Keira said, we need time to amass some supporters for  your cause. This isn't Earth and a lot of the LoQuans don't have the same issues, so it will be harder to get them on our side"

"You are correct my friend. We will lie and pretend to be friendly and aggregable. However if at any time my bonded is threatened at all. then all diplomacy will be null and void"


"Here we go Jurikk" said as we finally began our landing

Nerves bounced in my stomach and i worried about what my people would say seeing the humans with us but i knew what i would say to appease everyone

"Allow me to do all the talking"

"Of course my Prince"

"Whatever, Prince boy" Keira sassed rolling her eyes

The doors whooshed open and the humid air wafted into the ship warming all of our faces. It smelled just as i remembered,  like spice and home, yet I recalled Leena's scent and after her nothing smelled quite as delicious or desirable. Her scent was what i truly craved, but to get it she needed to get treated

A battalion of guards were lined outside the ship. My brother and grandfather stood at the end.  their stance regal and commanding  like my own

I picked up my head higher and approached them both

I bent and offered the LoQuan symbol of respect;  a fist to the forehead. Behind me i felt the others reciprocate all except Keira of course

They both nodded at the move and stared hard at me, Still silent

it wasn't unit the human women where being moved that they gaped in shock and broke the awkward quiet

"What is this about brother? why have you returned and without father, mother or uncle?"

"There is much to tell you but i need to hurry and escort these human women to the healer  before they perish"  a lie, but  they wouldn't know that. "Father had to stay behind.  he asked for me to give them medical treatment only available here which is why i am here. These women are essential to our future, brother. they carry LoQuan offspring"

His eyes widened as did my grandfathers. they looked to he human females being carted away with new eyes.

"I will explain further once i have seen to their health"

He nodded vigorously 

"Yes of course. Go.  we shall speak when they have been well tended"

I nodded and moved to walk past them, but his hand shot out and gripped my shoulder

Immediately  i tensed but kept my expression stoic as I turn back to face him

"It is good to see you brother"  he said but in noticed his words didn't match the look in his eye

I nodded to him then walked away, following the women to the infirmary


I watched the old healer move quickly about the room checking each woman as they  woke

They all looked instantly afraid. But Keira moved to each one quickly soothing as best she could. Explaining and assuring their safety. Some only cried but others screamed loudly and insistently, so much so that the healer was forced to give them a calming sedative; the very one that was used on me 

I shuddered each time he had to use it,  remembering my own encounter with the drug. I would never look at it the same nor use it again 

When it was finally time for the healer to wake Leena i stood nearby eagerness pounding in my heart equal as my face

I hoped he could heal her quickly and she would forgive me for evertyhting she has endured so far and everything she would endue still

She didn't know a lot and waking up on another planet especially without her sister,  i knew she would rage, rant and hate  me

I only hoped she wouldn't hate me forever. Her sister would be brought here. i would assure her.  Do whatever she needed

He began the process as i keenly watched his every  move

Before he could wake her, he glanced over at me a trepid expression on his face 

Fear immediately pulsed thorough me turning my blood to ice 

Were we too late? Please do not let that be so. i begged silently

"What is it?" i demanded 

He hesitated to speak

"This one will be more risky to wake, my prince"

"Why is that? you woke the rest with no problem?".  i asked irritated 

"The others did not have the various injuries this one does and..".


"And she is also carrying a youngling".................




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