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The warmth of the two suns had us all sweaty and miserable as we walked into the poor district that that morning

Anxiety shot through me as i recalled what had transpired here not long ago. unconsciously i clutched Leena closer to my side. She would not be leaving my sight this time

Thankfully her and Kiera now had their new bows for added  protection, which were strapped to their backs. unfortunately it wasn't enough to quell my worry

I felt trepidation and a grave sense of foreboding barring down on me,  but i was determined to do this for sake of everything i believed in 

for my family

I wanted to raise my youngling in a safe happy world. Not one littered with strife 

Already in early morning i witnessed the same people meandering about. Some attempting to sell useless trinkets for food. Others thieving from those just as desperate as them. Mothers with children begging for assitance

"Come this way"  Vurzek said guiding me to a large open area. He pulled up an empty dirty crate and had me stand on it alongside Leena

Slix stood protectively in front of us but there were many warriors  surrounding us and up, atop a few building were archers ready with their bow. Kiera among them

I felt as safe as one could feel in a semi hostile environment with many sleazy desolate people

Once everyone was stationed appropriately Vurzek gave me a nod of encouragement

"My people!"......I began my voice booming, stretching across the streets

A crowd formed as i talked about all the ways i would give them a brighter future. More food, more wealth disturbed properly and fairly as well as many other things, but once i mentioned the human females and introduced Leena...

A chorus of whispers then raucous  cheers rang out across the space. People were skeptical but seemed genuinely happy about the possibility

I noticed males and females eyeing  Leena's belly longingly

Then Just as i was finishing my speech

A scream tore through the streets which became a chorus screams that spread instant panic

A horde of warriors poured into the area cutting down every person in their path. 

The Royal guards!

How did they know we would be here?

Arrows began to fly killing many but they kept coming in droves. Slix raced into the fray as i unsheathed my sword and dragged Leena away from the chaos with me

She notched her bow and together we fought our way out of the square. Just as we almost safely back to the forest,  a guard  surprised us with a slice into Leena's back. She gasped and spun to face the perpetrator who she quickly stabbed with the small dagger she carried

I growled with renewed outrage. My vision tunneled red and i attacked him until he was nothing more than a pile of ruined flesh

"Xui!" Leena called attempting to pull me out of my haze of fury

"Xui!!!!. we have to go now. More are coming!"  she shouted, snapping me back to reality

I cradled her in my arms and raced away so fast i felt the wind harshly biting into our skin,  but i didn't stop until we were back in the safety of the camp

The LoQuan females immediately surrounded us at seeing our bloodied clothing

"Heal her!" I barked as i set Leena down

The females quickly set to work.cleaning and bandaging the gash on Leena's back. It was not a deep life threatening cut but my instincts didn't care. My bonded had been hurt.  I needed retribution

Moments later what was left of our group returned breathing heavily and also soiled in blood

As soon as Vurzek emerged i rounded on him, my ire rising to insurmountable heights once again

"What the hell happened?!! You assured me it would be secure! Now My bonded is injured!" I roared

"Somehow they knew of our plans to be there. I am unsure how. But i will find out,  i swear. You have my sincerest apologizes my Prince"  he said bowing with the LoQuan respectful gesture

I growled at it, i didn't want his apology. i wanted answers

"Xui! stop it!. it isn't his fault"  she scolded looking at me

"You were hurt!"

"Yes! and it wont be the first or last time! You need to understand that i cannot and will not be sidelined because of your inability to control your fear. I understand your protectiveness and i respect it,  but you need to respect that pregnant or not, i am a fighter. and i will fight by your side until the very end!"  She yelled with a vehement expression

I heaved a breath looking at her as she stared me down in challenge until i briskly turned away not replying

More fighters began to pour in then, some injured but most had fared well

Then Kiera rushed in looking disheveled but otherwise unharmed. Her eyes however were wide with anger and panic

"What is it Kiera?" I asked immediately feeling my heart spike 

"They..They took Slix"...............................................

Things about to get crazy are ya'll ready!!

How do you think the royal guards found them?




Thanks for Reading!!!

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