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The 3 moons began to decorate the sky in that deep dark purple hue of night as we went about setting up our camp deep into the forest. My anger still hadn't abated hours after the incident. Leena sat quietly not moving as she watched me stalking  around the camp. I went hunting alone needing to clear my head.

Twice already my bonded and unborn's life had been in danger

I wasn't upset with Leena or  anyone in particular, just the situation. Not even the cowardly males back in the poor district truly upset me. These were the things that occurred when poverty and desolation were present 

My brother was the one i was upset with. He was to blame. He allowed things to get this bad for those people. Allowed them to become so desperate that they needed to resort to such measures to assure their survival.

 Was he even doing anything to help the planet. Was he even doing his duty at all? or simply enjoying the lavish comforts and respect that his title afforded him

"Xui?" Leena's sweet voice called to me as i sat beside the fire that night unable to sleep. Everyone else had long ate and slumbered. I thought  Leena had too

Her small hand caressed my shoulder then my face tenderly

"Are you ok? I knew your still angry abo-"

"I'm not angry about that Leena"

"Then what is wrong? you been moody since we left that town"

"My brother" i grumbled

"Your brother? What about him?"  she asked perplexed

"Did you not see that town?. The filth. The extreme poverty. the thieves allowed to run rampant" I shook my head disturbed by it all

My brothers responsibility is to see that none of that is happening,  yet it is.  In abundance. The poor district was always a bit dodgy but never like this."

"Well that is why you are here now, and why we are out here"  she said looking around at our surroundings "You are gonna change all that Xui. You deserve to be king not your vile brother. He is clearly  just as much a selfish tyrant as your father was"

I sighed doubt filling my chest

"What if they do not want me for a ruler. Another monarch related to those that have already failed them. Twice"

She pulled my face to look at her. I stared attentively into her pretty face that adored so much

"I know you Xui. Because you let me know you. You show them who you are and they will love you just as much as i do"

I cracked my first smile since the incident


A moment later we were entangled into each others arms. I twirled my tongue diving deep into her mouth and groaning with intense  satisfaction.

She moaned as she pressed her hips into mines grinding into me with a fervent need that matched my own

I tore my clothing off and ripped her out of hers immediately focusing on her luscious full breasts, caressing them with urgency. Leena moaned louder as my tongue eagerly met her puckered nipple. The dark tips of them drove me wild as i pulled and sucked them deep into my warm mouth. My tongue lashed them repeatedly.

The cooler winds that came with the night barely touched our heated bodies as we frantically pawed at one another. Leena continued squirming beneath me as i assaulted every bare ounce of skin on her  i could reach

The Plight (Sequel to the Plague) (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now