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( this song will get you pumped for this action filled scene)

Leaving from the infirmary after checking on the human females welfare, Slix and I are stopped in the hall. 6 guards block our path with serious scowls on their faces

"Step aside, guard!" i bark at them shocked by their disrespect

They remain in place unperturbed by my annoyance

I glare at them indignant 

"How dare you disobey me, I am Prince Xui! LoQuan Royalty!"

"You are both hereby charged with Treason and are to be detained pending a trial" One said stoically

Slix and I share a glance then i snort at them giving my best haughty expression

"Under whose orders!"

"King Terex" they state nonchalant as they move to detain us

My eyes bulge with surprise at his words. My brother!?

A tense silence spreads before me and Slix spring into action. We take out the guards within seconds

Then we race down the corridor heading to Leena nad Keira. 

I wasn't sure exactly what was going on but i did know my instinct said we were all in danger

Charging down another corridor a group of guards head our way. From their determined gait it was clear who they were coming for.

Slix and I turn back the way we came searching for a way forward when another group comes sprinting in that direction too,  boxing us in

I know what this strategy was, But i would be Fekking damn if they would take me without a fight

I unsheathe my blade, a cocky grin on my face as they approach

However before they can strike a body comes flying forward Dispatching the team of guards at our back

Slix and i quickly pounce on the ones in our view before turning to the intervening figure

He stands to face us unconcerned by the copious amount of  blood coating his chest and face, His once lilac hair same shade as my own is now darkened by it; Giving him a fearsome appearance


"Come Quickly!!!"

He bolts away down the corridor taking out guards as he goes. He was impressively fast and effectienctly lethal. Like the grandfather i remember

Up ahead we hear heavy thumps of footsteps approaching in our direction

He pushes us into a hidden alcove in the wall slightly raised above the ground. We each jumped up into it quickly, watching  as the legion of guards passes by. 

"What is happening grandfather" I whisper shout with urgency

"Your brother has been fooling you".

"What do you mean? How?"

"I found out this morning. He has been in contact with your father on earth the entire time he was away. He knows everything." He pauses to roam his gaze along the halls assessing,  before it swung to me

"That your father and uncle are dead. By your hand. You are no longer safe here. You must leave the Reziq( castle) immediately. Take your bonded and flee"

I looked at Slix his expression as shocked and panicked as my own

My bonded? They knew of Leena? Now i was convinced my brother did know everything? The fact that my grandfather was only now  just learning about my brother and father constant contact meant that he didn't exactly trust my grandfather. 

The Plight (Sequel to the Plague) (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now