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The extreme brightness of the overhead lights hurt my sensitive eyes as i pried them open. I could feel the acceleration of my heart in my chest as i repeatedly called the name that mattered most to me

"LEENA!!!!!!! LEENA!!!" the hoarseness of my voice didn't allow it to carry as far as i would've liked

Someone rushed to me with soothing words that i blocked and ignored as i continued shouting for my bonded.

 She needed me. I could sense it.  feel it. She was suffering. 

I tried to sit up and a hand immediately attempted to push me back down

I snailed in warning, the blocked words he had spoke earlier began to slowly  penetrate my psyche as i struggled against him


 I heaved as i laid back down and took deep breaths. I blinked several times hoping to clear my vision

A male stood beside me as clarity returned. He looked familiar. Then it hit me, It was Elith!. It was good to see him alive and well

"Leena" i rasped more calmly "I need to get to Leena"

He didn't protest at the request he simply nodded and helped me get out of the bed

I noticed how my limbs feel stiff and wobbly. how long had i been in that bed?. The last memory i had was of killing my brother

And then nothing

Was Leena sad and worried for me? I hated that i may have caused her any distress;  especially while she was carrying our unborn

We left and walked a few doors down when i heard a loud shriek that instantly set my nerves on end and my heart rate back to soaring heights


I jerked away from Elith's helpful hold and charged into the room where my bonded was

As soon as i entered i saw Leena on a table with her legs splayed open. Jolikk and Turkkal looking down at her exposed womanhood

Had it not been for the agonized expression on Leena's face. The sweat soaking her body and her screams of pain, i would have misinterpreted the situation and likely killed both males

But i knew what was occurring. My youngling was coming! A mixture of excitement and trepidation filled me as i realized that in mere moments i would officially be a father

I took no notice of any others in the room as i raced on shaky legs, to her side.

She noticed me as i approached, her face brightening through the pain

"XUI!!!! You're awake!. You made it" tears escaped from her tired eyes

"Yes...my bonded. Always"

I grabbed her around the chest and hugged her insufferably tight. 

"Leena, i need you to push. Now!" Jolikk ordered her

Immediately I moved behind her, My chest pressed against her back holding her up as i locked my hands beneath her breast. She splayed her hands over mines and took deep breaths

She began to strain gritting her teeth as she pushed and pushed. I repeatedly wiped her sweat as i whispered encouraging, sweet words in her ear

Nothing could be heard in the room other than the grunts and labored breaths of Leena as she fought valiantly to birth our young. I felt  incredibly appreciative of her sacrifice and struggle and so humbly blessed that she was my mate

Moments later it was over as a sharp yet weak cry filled the quiet room.

"It is a male, my king!" he declared with obvious  joy

 Jolikk quickly handed our young to Turkkal who spirited him away to be checked and cleaned

Then I watched as Jolikk focused his attention back on Leena. He worked  to cease her bleeding that i could smell acutely and made all my instincts strain in protectiveness. 

Suddenly  Leena cried out arching her back as if she were in further pain

Jolikk jumped in alarm as he looked up at her

"What is it my heart?" I asked worried there was a complication with her body

She didn't answer only shrieked louder and then she was pushing

Jolikk looked at her womanhood his face paling in shock

"T....There's another!" he exclaimed

My shock suddenly matched his own. Two younglings!

The second came far quicker than the first but was significantly smaller

"A female!" He announced

I grinned widely as she too was taken away by Turkkal. 

Leena sagged in relief as her eyes began to grow heavy with sleep

I redirected my attention to her making sure she wouldn't perish on me. 

"Is she alright?" I questioned a slight panic in my tone

Jolikk finished cleaning her up and then reached for a device which he used to quickly scan her body thoroughly

"Yes my king. she is well. She is simply tired. It is requires much energy to birth  younglings". he said smiling 

I beamed as Turkkal returned holding both my young in his arms. I gently laid a sleeping Leena down and moved away to allow her the rest she needed 

I took them in my arms and stared at their tiny faces. they were a complete mix of me and Leena and the sight filled me with such intense happiness

My boy had dark curled hair with unique lilac streaks running through it, but his eyes were a LoQuans, same as my girls. Except her hair was surprisingly a curly lavender shade even lighter than my own. 

The most shocking thing was both their skin colors looked to be an interesting combination of Leena and I's

A deep blood red. More darker than any LoQuan i have ever seen

They made a striking pair indeed. The first twin hybrid young ever born on LoQua.

"What will you name them my king?" Turkkal asked

I pondered it for a long moment not taking my gaze off my young

"I will allow my bonded to name our princess when she awakens, but my prince, shall be called Aizen after the most honorable, bravest male i have ever known................




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