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Night had fallen across the forest. The rebellion stood inside it, cloaked in darkness as we watched the Reziq(castle).

We planned  to attack at night hoping it would catch them all off guard. the army was not yet called.

My arrogant brother must have thought me not enough a threat to truly need them

However i was no fool. He was defiantly prepared in some capacity. He perhaps had a battalion of troops somewhere nearby ready just in case

Only four guards patrolled the entrance and from my experience inside about a dozen more patrolled the halls. the others would come with  signs of trouble. 

Vurzek and the others would hold off the guards while i charge inside to confront my brother

Then, hopefully it would all be over

( ya'll already know what this is for. This movie score is so LIT. Listen to it while you read guarantee you will love this scene MORE)

"Leena you and Kiera will be with the archers atop the roofs. DO NOT COME DOWN UNTIL I COME FOR YOU are we clear. I don't care if i am dying. It will be extremely dangerous once the fighting begins"

"I'm not an invalid  Xui!"  she argued

"I know that my bonded but i cannot lose you. you are an amazing fighter but fighting a few LoQuans are not the same as fighting hordes of them. They will kill you. You carry the future heir of my planet. You are all the true family i have left. I cannot fight with a sound mind if i am worrying for you" I explained as  patiently as i could muster

"He is right Leena" Kiera said shocking me.

 she has never agreed with me in all the time since I've met her. Leena snapped her gaze to her too surprised she wasn't protesting alongside her as she normally did

"Lets fight from above where we can still help but be safe"

Leena inhaled a deep breath, finally conceding


I  kissed her thick lovely lips fiercely. 

"I love you" I wanted her to know. To remember those words if i didn't make it out of this alive

"I love you too Xui!" she said her yes glimmering with worry

"It will be alright my heart as long as you stay safe"

"Brez take the girls and get them to the roof once the fighting begins, then go for Slix. Find him"  I ordered 

"Yes your highness"

"I am counting on you to get my bonded to a safe distance and rescue my friend. Can i trust you?"

"With your life your majesty"  he declared. calling me by my future title. He bowed and pressed his fist to his forehead with respect

I nodded in acknowledgement then then turned my gaze to Vurzek 


He flashed me a grin full of vengefullness and hatred

"I been ready for a very long time"

"Lets go!!!"  i yelled as we all charged at the guards ready to kill


The four males guarding the entrance were easily killed however the unexpected problem arouse when swarms of guards poured out from the entrance almost immediately, as if they knew we were coming and were prepared 

Even More poured  in from the side entrances. Vurzek and I fought endless males Archers arrows decimating many but more continued to come. Far too many for us to fight.

Still we continued determined to prevail

I lost count on the numerous amount of  bodies that fell at the end of my blade. All i knew was i was covered in blood and was determined not to stop killing until every last male was dead

I spun decapitated one male then pierced another through the chest. Spun and severed another arm and legs. I spied Vurzek and the others  doing the same thing 

On and on we fought but just as we thought ourselves claiming victory the sound of marching troops vibrated the ground

They rushed us and looking around our numbers were drastically reduced. We couldn't win against this many, still i refused to falter i would continue fighting until i no longer drew breath

I looked up at Leena on the rooftop and committed her beautiful face to memory. then i glanced at Vurzek. He stared at me raising his double swords with an expression  that matched my own.

I grinned at him and raised my own as every warrior remaining did the same

But just before we could charge the troops a deafening whirring sound echoed across the air and a booming blast sounded.

We all ducked at the unknown sound, however it was not aimed at us. It shot at the troops who immediately panicked and dispersed from their formation. Not fast enough since many laid sprawled across the ground, decimated by the weapon

I spun to see the source of it and my jaw hung heavy in shock

A ship landed nearby violently shaking the ground beneath us  with its immense size and  weight

The doors snapped open and a outpouring of people raced down from within. 

The figure in front caught my attention first though, immediately making me smile and my spirits soar

Lokkar had returned.................................

The fight between Xui and his brother is NEXT




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