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Virat's POV - 

I am so happy today, we won the T20 series in New Zealand, now we can really say that team India is the best whether we play a home series or a series abroad it doesn't matter. I am really proud of my team and happy with everyone's performance, especially Rahul's. I really wish I could have given Rishabh a try but then I felt that Rahul is in good form and he also deserves a try. I am missing Mahi bhai so much, I am so used to sharing my achievements with him first, I have gotten so used to having him right next to me that now when Mahi bhai is taking a break I feel so incomplete in the dressing room. Right now with Rohit also not being here I am feeling as if two of my body parts are completely missing. 

I was going  to call Mahi bhai that I heard Rahul's phone ringing...

Rahul's POV - 

I am very happy with the fact India won the series, more than that with the fact that I my contribution did play a vital role in the win. I have always taken inspiration from Mahi bhai, I would credit my improvement and success as much as to Mahi bhai as much as I do to Virat bhai. If Virat bhai has given me a chance and trust my abilities then Mahi bhai is the reason I have become worthy of getting this opportunity. I feel like thanking Mahi bhai for teaching me so much, that I have been able to utilize the skills taught by him in my game.  

Suddenly my phone started ringing and all eyes where on me, it was Mahi bhai's phone and I was really happy and it felt like he could hear my thoughts from miles away. Seeing me happy the whole team wanted to know who it is and from literally out of no where Shreyas snatched the phone from my hand and put it on speaker, this was such a Hardik thing.

As soon as Shreyas picked the phone up, Mahi Bhai said, "Hey Kl, I am so very proud of you, I wonder what would my very own Team India do if you weren't there for this tour. (laughing)" 

I was over the moon listening to this, Mahi bhai's compliments always make me smile no matter what. A loud scream bought me out of me reverie, it was my bros screaming "This is not fair Mahi bhai !!"  

Shreyas first screamed, "Bhai, you didn't like my precious knocks"

Yuzi then took over, "And my top class bowling"

Jassi then cried, "No, bhai must have loved my world class bowling."

This passing the parcel went on until Mahi bhai screamed from the other side, "I loved everything from Shreyas's batting to Jassi's bowling but Rahul was the star this time, sorry boys."

I gave out a smirk and shouted, "Thank you bhai, you are just the best."

Virat's POV - 

I was happy seeing the banter in front of me, Mahi bhai can make anyone in the team happy, and he brings out the  child in us. However, one thing hit me hard, Mahi bhai didn't call me first nor did he say anything about me yet, did he not like my captaincy? Is he angry with me? 

Jaddu's POV - 

I was laughing looking at the banter taking place in front of me, when my eyes scanned the room for Virat. I have known Virat for ages now, and I totally know what that face means. I decided to enjoy the so called moment and slid across the room towards Virat. 

I stood next to him and whispered, "Mahi bhai is so happy that the team is doing well even without him, right.."

He replied very thoughtfully, "But I am not.."

I totally knew what this meant but unleashing my fake and amazing acting skills of mine I said, "Why what happened? Is Mahi bhai like angry with you or has like forgotten you or something because he didn't scream Cheeku today.. Is everything okay?"

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