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Yuvraj was going to Bangalore, specially to meet his bhai, Rahul Dravid on his birthday, he was missing his bhai a little bit too much and thought of proving to him that he is his best kiddo and not MSD or Raina or any one else.

Yuvi reached Bangalore and headed for his Rahul bhai's house first, he was there on his birthday morning, he rang the bell to see Samit open the door. 

"Chachu, you here?" he asked, a little surprised. 

"Yes, its Rahul bhai's birthday today right so I came to surprise him, where is he?" Yuvi asked excitedly. 

"Yuvi, come inside first." Vijitha, Rahul Dravid's wife said as she saw Yuvi on the door. 

"Good morning Bhabhi how are you? But wait first tell me where bhai is." Yuvi asked cheerfully. 

"I am doing great and about Rahul, he has gone to the NCA." Vijitha said. 

"What? Its his birthday today." Yuvi said. 

"I know but no days off for him, I asked him to stay back but he wanted to go and anyways Anvey and Samit have school in the morning so the celebrations will happen in the evening only so I didnt force him to take an off." Vijitha replied and Yuvi nodded making up his mind to immediately go to the NCA. 

"I will go and meet bhai there." Yuvi said. 

"Have breakfast first Yuvi, you just came here." Vijitha insisted. 

"I know but I came to wish Rahul bhai first." Yuvi said and thats when Anvay came out of the kitchen with a plate of delicious looking dosas, Yuvi couldnt resist. 

"Yuvi chachu." Anvay screamed happily as he noticed Yuvi and he jumped on him and Yuvi reciprocated to that hug with the same amount of excitement Anvay had. 

"Can I take an off from school today? Please I want to play with Yuvi chachu." Anvay pleaded. 

"Same here if he gets a leave even I do." Samit added and Yuvi joined the two kids to convince Vijitha to give them a leave. 

"Sorry no leaves, both of you have exams coming up so teachers must be doing important revisions, you can play with your chachu once you are back and Yuvi dont you want to go meet Rahul?" Vijitha said. 

"Yes I do want to meet bhai however I can atleast have breakfast with them since you were insisting me to have the tasty hot dosas you were cooking for breakfast." Yuvi said and he had his breakfast with the Dravids. 

As soon as he was done he left for the NCA, he went to the nets, the gym, everywhere but he couldnt find Rahul Dravid, he finally went to ask some support staff about him and he said that Rahul Dravid is with the U19 players in the locker rooms so Yuvi went there. 

"Happy birthday happy birthday, happy birthday to you sir!!!!" the U19 boys sang and seeing this Yuvi fumed like anything. 

And to add salt to his wounds the U19 boys smashed cake on Rahul and he did not even protest even a bit, he let them smash the cake on him and even all his clothes got dirty with the cake fight which Rahul did not mind at all. 

"Rahul bhai." Yuvi mumbled with hurt, because his bhai never let him smash cake on his face at all, until now, never was he allowed to  do this and these kids who have barely known him personally for a year or maybe two were allowed to do this. 

"Enough enough, isnt my face covered with enough cake that you all are still wanting to put cake." Rahul Dravid finally spoke. 

"No sir, this much is enough, we need to leave some cake for eating also na." Abhishek said.

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