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2017 Champions Trophy Finals

India was in a nail biting situation, they lost early wickets with a mammoth 300 plus score to be chased. Hardik was the only one who was batting properly and the team had hopes that the hopes of winning stay alive until Hardik keeps batting and Jaddu kept supporting him. 

The pressure was high on both Hardik and Jadeja, Jaddu hit a shot and Hardik ran immediately so they could keep the runs flowing with singles as well but Jaddu saw that the fielder had the ball and he didnt run, well they both ended on on the same side. 

Hardik who felt that he could have made India win the match was extremely frustrated, he threw his bat while coming back to the dug out, he was totally annoyed and angry. When he reached the dug out, no one really went to Hardik knowing that talking to him when he is in this state of anger will not have any good outcome.

Hardik threw things around in the dressing room, his helmet was in one corner, gloves on the other and a few chairs toppled around as well, he just didnt know hot to control his anger. 

In a over Jaddu was back in the dug out, he was disappointed by himself, he knew that the run out was a big mess and Hardik's mood was a even bigger mess. Jaddu was going into the dug out when Virat tried stopping him. 

"Virat, II want to go take a shower, let me go." Jaddu said.

'NO just sit with me." Virat said. 

"I didnt say no, just let me go in and have a shower and change." Jaddu said and he pushed the dressing room door and they saw the condition of the dressing room, it was an even bigger mess than the run out and the moods in the team's dug out. 

Virat looked at Rohit immediately, and he gave him a look and Rohit knew that Virat's look meant 'split up' and he immediately went in before Jaddu could and closed the door and Virat took Jaddu away as well. 

"I know it was a mess on my part, but why is he over reacting?" Jaddu asked Virat. 

"He is just naturally aggressive Jaddu." Virat said trying to be sensible and neutral. 

"I know that, but spoiling the dressing room, kicking the boundaries in a fully packed stadium, throwing his bat in a way that it would have broken, all this is tooo much Virat." Jaddu said.

"He is just a youngster who thought that if the run out wouldnt have happened we would have won, and even I used to be so aggressive before, leave it." Virat said and the very next minute India had lost, and Virat looked down thinking they could have done better as a team, but nevertheless he went for the post match interview.

Hardik stormed out of the dressing room, Rohit could only calm down 10 per cent of Hardik's anger and when Jassi came back in, Hardik went out of the stadium on his own, he took a cab and he was off, no one really knew where he went

"Now this is too much." Jaddu said as he saw Hardik storm off. 

"He has done this a few times, he goes away when he is angry, let him be alone for some time." Rohit said. 

"Still Ro, I know I messed up, he can be angry but not like this, this is like he is doing whatever he wants to, thats not how you can behave in front off thousands of people, people will assume there is something wrong between us two." Jaddu said. 

"That they already do." Virat said and Rohit showed Jaddu his phone which had Hardik's tweet - 

Hume toh apno ne loota, gairo mein kaha dum tha.

"What the hell?" Jaddu asked getting up. 

"What does he mean to say? I did it on purpose? He is crossing his limits now, this is too much. He is forgetting that I am a senior player than him, I have worked just as hard as him to reach where I am now, What does he mean to say I sold the match out?" Jaddu asked angrily and Virat and Rohit knew that if this situation was not handled it would go out of control. 

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