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Tomorrow is going to be the most god damn boring birthday ever because there will be no party, no meeting friends, no cake, no nothing. I even feel like chucking this quarantine and lock down rules and getting out of the house. Huh and then I get reminded of the fact that even I can get corona if I do that and I cant die out of some stupid virus. What the hell am I even thinking? 

I guess my mind is not functioning properly, I should just sleep, its 11:30 already and not like at 12 people are going to barge into my room and wish me Happy Birthday. 

Huh why was I born on this day god? What? No its okay dont change my birthday God, it was just out of frustration never take any of my words serious except the ones like I want a century today and all, I hope I am making things clear God?

What the hell are you doing Rahul? Talking to god? Just sleep. 

I was in deep slumber when my phone started buzzing and ringing really loudly. I silenced my phone and slept again without giving a damn about who it was. The buzzing still continued and forced my to get up. Is there any way to stop this buzzing? I dont know I am just gonna pick the call up. 

"Hello? Who the hell is disturbing my sleep?" I screamed as I picked the call up, I did not even bother to see who it was and then realized that it was a face time. 

"Ro, tune Rahul ko bhi apne jaisa banna diya." it was Virat's voice. 

"Yeh chodd yaha mein apni neend kharab kar ke tujhese baat karne nahi betha, chal wish kar." it was Rohit's voice. 

"Happy Birthday Rahul" they all screamed and I was totally up from my sleep and I realized that the whole Indian Cricket Team was on call. 

"You guys remembered?" I asked shocked. 

"Yes and guess who among us remembered it?" Mahi bhai asked. 

"The most forgetful, the most sleepy, the most, okay I need to stop praising him." Harry exaggerated. 

"Rohittaaaa" Yuzi screamed and cut off Harry from between. 

"What? Ro bhai? You remembered my birthday?" I asked, I was really happy. 

"Yes, shocked right? Even I was, he called me 2 minutes ago and reminded me and called every one. Yeh kuch kaam toh aaya." Virat said and everyone laughed and I could see Rohit frowning. 

"Stop irritating my Ro bhai, he is the best, he remembered my birthday." I said. 

"I know I am the best and how could I forget my partner's birthday?" he said. 

"Umm bhai isnt your partner Ritsy bhabhi?" Jassi asked and we all face palmed. 

"He means opening partner not life partner Jassi." Yuzi sighed. 

"But he never remembered my birthday?" Shikhi bhai whined. 

"Cause on your birthday you only call the whole world and remind them that its your birthday." Jaddu bhai said and we all laughed. 

"And Ro bhai is the best." I said again. 

"What the what about me?" Virat asked. 

"Some one's jealous." Jaddu bhai said. 

"You are also the best." I sighed, I can feel what situation Jassi gets into when Rohit and Virat asks him to choose who is better. 

"Can you like finally feel what I feel?" Jassi asked. 

"You literally spoke my heart Jassi, I can totally feel the torture they do on you." I sighed.

"What torture? We never torture Jassi." Virat said. 

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