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India lost the semi finals against New Zealand, India out of their world cup campaign despite being no. 1 on the scorecard....

MS Dhoni's POV - 

Why? Why did I have to get out? All my my boys from Cheeku to Ro to Jassi to Hardik all of them were depending on me, I was their last and only hope and I had to get out. I am at total fault here I could have easily made India win if I would have not gotten out. We needed only 18 runs to win, we had more than half an over in the end and obviously Bhuvi or Yuzi or Jassi couldn't have it any big sixes or fours it was just not their field of expertise and I had to leave the field at the 48th over. I have disappointed India, cricket fans, my fans, my team, and most importantly my Cheeku and Ro who had put their everything into this world cup and my mistake....

I was so immersed in these thoughts that I was startled and pushed back by a hug, it was Cheeku and Ro on my both sides clutching me on like I am the their most important possession in the entire universe but I just could not bring upon my self to hug them back I could not, not after disappointing them. 

Getting surprised by me not hugging them back they parted the hug and looked into my eyes I couldn't look back I just couldn't. I looked away and went into the showers to change. 

I was silent through out the bus ride to hotel. As soon as I reached the hotel I rushed towards my room, after a while Sakshi entered the room along with Ziva. As soon as they entered Ziva ran towards me and hugged me and said "You are the BEST papa its okay that you didn't win.", aww my Ziva baby, and then Sakshi also joined the hug, I hugged them back very tightly. Sakshi looking at me understood that something is wrong, amd told Ziva "Zivu, you wanted to play with Sammy right come I will take you to Ritsy aunty's room." She dropped Ziva in Ro's room and came back. 

"Tell me Mahi what happened? Whats wrong? Tell me and no lying or changing topics a I will come to know so spill everything out without thinking at all." Sakshi said, its really hard to hide anything from her. 

"I do not know why I am doing this, I don't know why I am doing this, its just that I cannot bring upon myself to face them without the guilt the I have wronged them both. If only if I would have brought 1 step closer towards bringing that trophy back home they wouldn't have to hear taunts for getting out early, they wouldn't have to face the cruel media with an ashamed face, they are strong, they are my team, they are  my kids but still I just dont know whats happening to me Saks." Saying this I totally break down in her arms. 

"No Mahi, don't blame yourself please don't. Its not your fault at all it is no ones fault, you call Cheeku and Ro  your team and your kids right then? They totally understand you, maybe more then yourself, go talk to them go give them a hug they need you Mahi, htey need their Mahi bhai now, they do not need anyone else in the world right now but you and if you leave them alone at this crucial time then think Mahi, think Do you really think they blame you for not winning  the match?" Sakshi said consoling me. 

"I don't know Saks, its just that guilt eating me up totally I don't really know whats happening. I am having weird thoughts, What if they start hating me?" I was going to say more but a loud voice stopped me. 

"Never" Its was Ro and Cheeku.

"Both of you what are you doing here?" I asked with a shocked expression. 

"I called them here Mahi, I knew that whatever you were thinking is related to them and you will need them." Sakshi replied, wow she knows me better than I had thought. 

"And bhai how did you even think that we would hate you ha? How dare you even think that we would hate you?" Both of them questioned me with a voice like they are police officers interrogating a terrorist. 

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