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I am going to Shrishti's hospital today, okay not exactly Shrishti's hospital but the hospital where she works. I met her 2 months back when I got injured during the net sessions and fell unconscious. I still remembered that when I opened my eyes again after 1 whole hour, I saw a beautiful face, she was talking to Cheeku bhai and Ro bhai who were also in the room. I weekly moved myself and tried calling bhai, "Bhai, bhai." I called out to him. 

They all looked towards me and came near my bed, she then asked me, "How are you feeling now?" 

I barely had any energy to answer, but I slowly replied, "Better, but weak and tired." 

"That is completely normal, because of the injury you have sustained." She replied. 

"What exactly happened to me?" I stupidly asked, I dont even know what is wrong with my body wow. 

"You seriously dont remember what happened?" Cheeku bhai asked me, he looked shocked.

"Calm down Cheeku, he fell unconscious remember? So, Shreyas, you were practicing in the nets, and the ball hit your head, you fell unconscious. We all were really worried, so we rushed you here, luckily Dr. Shrishti was quick enough to assist you and ya now you are conscious I guess. And yes Shrishti is the doctor who is going to be treating you and she will also take a concussion test." Ro bhai said ramming through all the information. 

"Are you serious Ro? conscious you guess this. His eyes are wide open but no you need to guess that he is conscious." Cheeku bhai said sarcastically and I laughed. 

"Okay, so I need to take a concussion test for him, only then can I say when he can get back to playing cricket." She declared looking at all of us. 

"Okay I am fine with it, can you take it now itslef? I wanna know when I can get back to the field?" I impatiently asked her. 

"Yes, we need to take the test right now itself. If you both could wait outside for a while it will be better, I will get back to you once the test is done." She told Cheeku bhai and Ro bhai. 

After they left she conducted the test and asked a few questions. After it was all done, she called everyone inside, when I say everyone, I mean it, Cheeku bhai, Ro bhai, Harry, Rahul, Kuli, Yuzi, Jassi, Rishabh.

"Woah! I did not know that all of you are here." I said surprised.

"We had to be here, you literally scared us so badly." said Rishabh. 

"Obviously, we had to be here." Harry agreed. 

"Look who spoke, you know when you fell unconscious, he went like, 'Guys why is Shrey sleeping in the nets? even Ro bhai doesnt randomly go to sleep like that.'" Rahul said and we all laughed. 

In a few minutes Shrishti came in with some reports and for some really good reason that is when I noticed her carefully. She is so simple yet so pretty, her passion towards her work and her determination towards it is just like how I am passionate towards cricket. She seemed so professional that even though such famous cricketers, like us were together right in front of her she treated me like any other patient. Okay, maybe we are not that famous or she does not watch cricket and each and every person in India does not need to know us. 

She finally spoke, or maybe I was lost somewhere all this while, "So, he has had a very mild concussion and the Xray we took of his ankle shows that he has a minor fracture." she patiently announced, but this got me hyped up. 

"What do you mean by fracture, the concussion is fine but when will my ankle be okay?" I asked hurriedly.

"No Mr. Shreyas, concussion is not at all okay because it affects your brain, you will have to be admitted in the hospital for a night, then I will do a check up and discharge you in the morning only if you agree to take good rest this means no cricket. Coming to your fracture, it is minor and nothing major to worry about. Considering both these things you need complete rest and you can get back to cricket in 1 - 2 months." She said strictly. 

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