Chapter 2.

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"So" Hunk asked as Pidge and Lance came walking into the flat living room, their coats and shoes left by the door. 

"The cake was really good but there peanut butter cookies they have all year round are better" Pidge grinned as her eyes sparkled slightly. 

"you always prefer the peanut cookies, you would live on peanut cookies if you could" Lance grinned as he poked her cheek before heading towards the kitchen doorway that joined the living room instead of the using the main kitchen door.

"I would, I'm not ashamed to admit that" Pidge replied as she followed Lance into the kitchen leaving hunk sitting on the chair by the kitchen doorway. 

"so pidge enjoyed the new monthly cake but what did Lance enjoy" Adam smiled as he and Shiro cuddle up on the two seat sofa in front of the living room side window. 

"The new waitress, she really is gorgeous" Lance replied proudly as he grabbed a coke can and walked out to side in the right corner of the three seat sofa against the back wall. 

"Did you speak with her or just checked her out" Shiro asked with a small smile.

"He flirted with her as she came to take our orders and bring our drinks and order. He also tried to keep flirting with her every time she walked past and before we left. It was embarrassing definably when she was trying to stay polite to him while she worked" Pidge sighed and walked into the living room with a can of lemonade and sat on the left corner of the same sofa as Lance. 

"well as long as you both had fun" Hunk smiled brightly and the others laughed at their different sides of fun while in the famous cake shop. 

"Well that not all that happened, someone gave pidge their number" Lance smirked and the other three males turned to her in shock.

"yeah I was in shocked too, I looked around to see if there was a hot chick behind me or something but he actually was giving it to me and told me if I ever fancy going on a date to call him" Pidge replied with a small smile.

"well, was he hot or good looking ... are you thinking of going for him" Adam asked slightly excited.

"Adam he was a stranger who just randomly gave her his number. Pidge is not just going to date a stranger but was his handsome, are you going to chance it" Shiro replied with a frown as he looked to hid boyfriend before smirking and turning to pidge for the last part.

"nope .. why should I" Pidge replied and everyone but lance took a deep breathing before yelling "YES" at her. 

"yikes fine, I go call him" Pidge mumbled and pulled out the paper with his number walking in the hallway to call.

"Oh my, she might have a date .. If she gets a boyfriend then we can have a date party in the flat like we dreamed" Hunk smiled and clapped his hands together.

"I hope it goes well, It be nice if pidge found something to be happy with" Adam smiled sweetly.

"Shouldn't we be stopping her from going out with a random stranger, I mean it be cool if pidge dated like a normal chick her age but isn't this the wrong path. I dont trust this guy" Lance grumbled and crossed his arms. 

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