Chapter 4.

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"I'll get it" Pidge called out as the doorbell went and she was glad for the chance to get away from her family who all sat a four player board game making her sit and watch while Milly played with some toys. 

Pidge took a deep breath before opening the door before slamming it once more, she shook her head thinking she must have been dreaming or dead. Opening the door once more before standing in shock at the member before her, Curtis a fellow beta who she went to school with. Someone she dated for two months becuase her parents kept trying to set them up, so she gave it a try but both weren't in love hence breaking up. 

Maybe Curtis is a mailman and is giving her their letters or a parcel, he wouldnt just show up out of nowhere just because she was home. She thought it was clear she was 'dating' Lance after her mum heard the first half of the phone call yesterday at lunch. A small smile sat on her lips as she Curtis gave a caring smile.

"Hey Curtis, what brings you to the holts" Pidge smiled awkwardly hoping that the gods would be nice enough to let her worries not turn out true.

"your parents invited me, they wanted a familiar beta to hang with you once you settled back in and apparently you have something you need to tell me" Curtis smiled shyly and rubbed his arm. 

"just kill me now" Pidge whispered herself before letting him in. 

"did I come at a bad time, I can always come back later" Curtis asked unsure.

"Oh no its fine, its just I didnt know you were coming" Pidge replied and lead him to the front room where her family turned and smiled to Curtis. 

"oh hello, glad you could make it" Colleen smiled brightly as she turned to Curtis who gave a mama boy smile in return. 

"why dont you hang out with Curtis, who knows maybe those feelings would return. After all you still liked the boy and well he got a decent future ahead" Sam smiled kindly and Pidge wanted to scream but fake smile instead.

"I think Lance would disagree" Pidge mumbled trying to not embarrass Curtis by her fake boyfriend.

"well we never met Lance and well Curtis has a future in the sales department. He have a decent life and give a good simple life" Colleen explained and Pidge was trying her best not to kill them.

"just hang out for the day, how bad could it be" Matt spoke up and she wanted to kill her twin with the dice he held in his hands. 

"why dont we go for a walk" Curtis smiled slightly uncomfortable and Pidge nodded before grabbing her coat and walking with Curtis.

They walked round the corner from her house before Curtis came to a stop making her stop too. Curtis gave a small smile as he turned to her and it seemed he understood what happened making Pidge fell less bad.

"you were set up" Curtis spoke and Pidge nodded with a frown.

"Sorry, You are a great guy but not a guy I would love or want a future with. I already have a future but it seems my family are trying to change it" Pidge explained and Curtis nodded 

"well I'm glad, I dont think I could have loved you either and we just be forced into a long future together. I hope we can still stay in touch as friends even if its long distant" Curtis smiles and held his phone up.

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