Chapter 9.

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"So, what now" Pidge asked as they sat in the living room after showing and getting dressed.

"We could go get some pancakes at McDonald" Lance grinned as he glanced to her. 

"Lance" Pidge frowned making him look to his folded knee.

"I-I dont know" Lance sighed. 

"We need to agree if its just a one night stand or more" Pidge mutter as she looked to her own lap.

"Its not just a one night stand" Lance whispered yelled making her turn to him.

"Then what are we" Pidge asked shocking him. 

"I want to be with you Pidge but I'm scared I might lose you" Lance replied as he looked away but turned as she held his hand.

"I stayed this long, why would I rung now" Pidge smiled sweetly making him stunned slightly.

"Will you really stay with me not as my friend but as my lover" Lance whispered  as he looked into her hazel eyes.

"Lance, I wouldnt have slept with you if I just thought of you as a friend. Even I have standers" Pidge smiled slightly making him chuckle.

"Your always been important to me pidgin since the day we first met in this silly flat. I'm glad we both ran from our families" Lance smiled gently and lifted their hands kissing her hand. 

"Your not along, I'm glad you were apart of my life" Pidge smiled softly and a blush covered her freckled cheeks that wasn't hidden by her glasses since she left them in her room. 

"I love you" Lance whispered with love in his eyes, eyes that have ever just looked at her but feared losing her. He was scared of her answer but soon felt her hand placed gently on his cheek.

"And I love you" Pidge smiled warmly as she closed the distance placing a sweet kiss on his lips. 

"I really am the luckiest man alive" Lance grinned to himself making her giggle.

"Well the luckiest man alive better get his shoes so he and his girlfriend can go get pancakes" Pidge smirked as she stood up pulling him with her. 

"Did you just call yourself my girlfriend before I could fully asked" Lance asked amazed.

"Well I couldn't let you make all the moves, why dont wanna be my friend" Pidge teased as she turned to him.

"I'll be honoured to be your boyfriend and one day your husband" Lance smiled gently and pulled her into another kiss before they walked to get their shoes. 

Three years later.....

"Hey pidgin, have you seen my shop keys" Lance yelled as they looked around the house that sat beside his privately own flower shop known as 'Plance' since he wanted his love to be known by all. 

"They in the key tin, you left them in your jeans again" Pidge smiled as she walked over in with her handbag ready to head over to the labs where she worked.

"Thank you" Lance smiled brightly and leaned down kissing his fiancée cheek.

"Dont forget I'll be working late tonight, so your gonna need to take kaltenecker for her walk tonight but I will bring take out home" Pidge grinned as she pulled her fiancée into a better kiss.

"Hmm, do you need to go to work again" Lance smirked as he placed his hands on her hips kissing her back.

"As much as I love to say no, I do just like you need to run your flower shop" Pidge smiled and gave him one more quick kiss before stepping back grabbing her coat.

"No fun, I rather spend the day cuddle up to my loving fiancée" Lance pouted making his lover giggle.

"Arf" A small puppy known as kaltenecker barked as she came running over to them. kaltenecker is a white sausage dog with black spots making her seem like a long small cow.

"Sorry my loving fiancée and my lovely baby girl" Lance smiled and fussed their rescued puppy they got a couple months ago. 

"I'll see you my beautiful child tonight and I'll see you handsome man tonight" Pidge smirked and petted kaltenecker before kissing Lance cheek.

"Keep the house safe for us baby girl" Lance smiled to kaltenecker before grabbing his flower shop keys and stepping out with his future wife. 

"Love you" Pidge smiled softly as she looked to the love of her life.

"Love you, can you call during your break" Lance asked with a gentle smile as he held the love of his life hand as they walked to the flower shop main door.

"Yep and I will phone you during my break but it be short since shiro wants me to phone him today as well. I also need you to call Hunk at some point since he needed to speak with you" Pidge explained with a small smile and Lance nodded.

"Well I'm at work" Lance joked making his fiancée  giggled.

"Have fun and I'll text you once I get to work" Pidge smiled and unlocked her car.

"Missing you already" Lance called out as he unlocked his flower shop door.

"Missing you more" Pidge yelled back from inside the car.

"Be careful" Lance smiled as he gave a slight wave in the doorway.

"You take care too, dont over work yourself when the shop gets hot" Pidge smiled before pulling away and heading to her work place. 

"I really do love my little Beta, Our families really dont know how amazing our love truly is" Lance grinned as he stepped inside.

"Because she surely isn't just a simple Beta not in my eyes" Lance smirked as he remembered their families words in reply to them getting married, he really did fall in love with a girl who wasn't just a simple beta but someone incredible. 

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