Chapter 7.

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"a date" Pidge mumbled as she glanced up from her laptop and turning in her chair to looki straight at her tall tan friend. 

"Yep, with the pretty Romelle who giggled at my awesome flirts" Lance grinned as he sat on the edge of Pidge bed just looking at her. 

"Have fun" Pidge smiled and watched Lance stand up.

"thanks pidgin but your got a date too" Lance replied making Pidge tense.

"I do, since when" Pidge asked in a panic and Lance chuckled.

"Your going on a date with Romelle male friend since he looking for a girlfriend and she cant go on a date unless he gets one too and well I mentioned I had a female single friend" Lance mumbled in return and Pidge mouth fell open slightly.

"No way in hell will I be attending a blind date" Pidge grumbled back and crossed her arms. 

"Oh yes you are, Look its not a double dating meaning all you need to do is walk with him to wherever he takes you to eat and then after your both finished your meal you can leave and Romelle wouldnt know. It still counts as being on a date with him, so he gets his date and you dont get left alone in the flat tonight since everyone else is having date night" Lance smiled and stood before pidge.

"Lance I'm not a dating person, I'm the person who sits at home wishing someone would love them but not wanting to do the whole dating thing type of person" Pidge mutter back as she crossed her arms and Lance chuckled.

"Look, I'm not asking you to date the guy. Please just have a meal with him, that's all" Lance begged like a child and grabbed Pidge hands. 

"Just the meal" Pidge asked making sure.

"Just the meal" Lance promised.

"Fine but you owe me a cookie from the cake shop" Pidge huffed and smirked slightly while Lance grinned before giving a small nod in understanding. 

"Well you can do more then just the meal with her friend if you want since you are a collage student with needs and well I wont stop you" Lance joked while pidge rolled her eyes and playfully punched his arm. 

"Just get out dork" Pidge smirked and Lance just chuckled before leaving her room. 

An hour passed making shiro, Adan and Hunk all rush inside the flat to get ready for their own date nights. Shiro picked out some black jeans and a long sleeve tight black shirt that was styled to not have the top two buttons along with his white nights before Lance walked into the mated couple room kicking the taller guy out. Lance was going to help Adam pick out an outfit for his and Adam date night since Adam still wanted to look nice for shiro on their date nights even if they share a room. Shiro walked straight to pidge room knowing his shorter friend would let him change in her room and let him hang with her until Adam was ready. As you guess this happens every date night, so it was normal for shiro to be dressed nicely and smartly in Pidge room just messing around while waiting for his lover to dress in the clothes Lance throw at him. 

Shiro walked into Pidge room noticing her standing by her wardrobe with dark blue jeggings over her shoulder and holding two tops. A light green one with a fake white collar and a simple light purple long sleeve shirt. Shiro just stood in the doorway holding his own outfit in his hands and watched with an eyebrow raised. He notice Pidge yelp as she glanced to the door seeing him just standing there. Of course shiro gave a small sorry smile before walked over placing his own cloths on the edge of her bed before walking over to her.

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