Chapter 3.

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"oh I cant wait to see my family and eat my mum cooking .. aren't you excited to go home for the week holiday" Hunk smiled brightly from the single chair he sat in before turning to lance who sat on right end of the sofa with pidge sitting on the left end. 

"nope" Lance replied as he played on his phone.

"a whole week with my lover and my family, doesn't that sound great" Adam smiled sweetly and kissed Shiro cheek.

"nope" Pidge mumbled as she typed on her laptop.

"oh will you two stop pouting, your families cant be that bad and anyway its only five days with them. If your families are truly awful then you wont visit them" Shiro sighed as he kept his arm around Adam as the couple sat on the two seater sofa. 

"They dont need to be awful to be bad" Pidge whispered and rolled her eyes and Lance nodded in agreement.

"that a point, you two hardly ever talk about your families" Hunk spoke up with a worried smile.

"Its because we dont enjoy talking about them" Lance grumbled and set his phone down. 

"well if you two really cant handle five days then just come back to the flat, you have your own keys remember" Adam smiled like a mother to the two who nodded. 

"just try and have fun even if its just walking around your old home town/city" Shiro replied and the two nodded. 

"just five days .. five whole days of family ... kill me" Pidge mutter as she lost all hope.

"Oh god this is going to be the worse holiday ever" Lance groaned and the other three who were happy to see their families looked at the two with worry. 

Soon the group all went to bed since they would all be travelling in the morning long or short distant to see their families. Well shiro and Adam went to visit Adam family since shiro mother would be meeting them at Adam household. Hunk was lucky to live in the same city as his family but still left early to spend more time with them. Lance and Pidge had the longest journeys to make. They both took trains and bus's while slowly dying inside. 

But the two had a little trick .. a Phone. They were texting each other non stop and distracting the other while they headed towards their families. Both listening to music and laughing as some texts came in the wrong order since of the low signal but soon they didnt seem as depressed when they reached their family home.

Lance P.O.V.

 I stared at the mansion before me, I knew pidge was doing the same making me feel less nervous as I walked towards the front door. Sending a small good luck to pidge before she sent one back and well I knocked on the door. 

I wouldnt lie, I was ready to run and hide up but the next train would be in two hours meaning my family would have two hours to trap me and drag me home. I held my phone tight in my hand ready to call pidge if i needed her and ready to answer if she called me in needing a hand. 

Pidge green headphones were loosely around my neck and I knew she stole my blue headphones buds since she wasn't going to travel without music. I waited for a couple minutes that felt for house before the door opened showing the old butler.

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