Chapter 8.

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(Warning Smut Ahead ... I will put a warning when its about to start but If you do not like badly written smut then skip to the chapter).

"Ow" Lance yelp as Pidge cleared his forming bruise cheek with a wipe to clean off the mud before passing an ice pack.

"Sorry but it wouldnt hurt so much if you just stayed still or better yet didnt get into a fight. I thought you were too pretty to fight" Pidge sighed and turned her head while picking up a plaster to place on his cut chin.

"I had reasons to fight" Lance grumbled as he watched her slowly turn back to him lifting his head slightly to getter a better look at the small cut on his chin.

"Reasons" She asked lifting an eyebrow and glancing to him.

"Not telling" Lance mumbled making her brown before placing the plaster on his chin/jaw line.

"Lance I'm glad she seemed special but you shouldn't fight not unless you must. Just walk away next time, yes she might not think of you as manly but fighting isn't a good option. What if you got badly hurt or worse" Pidge frowned, worry filling her eyes as she pulled out another wet wipe from the packet before turning to his chest, he took a couple punches in the stomach.

"I didnt get into a fight becuase of her" Lance sighed and glanced to Pidge before turning his head away and using his free hand he wasn't leaning on to rub his neck.

"You weren't but why did you start a fight with those guys, your not the type to just punch a guy" Pidge replied surprised and stopped gently cleaning Lance stomach ready for the ice pack before lifting her head to look at him.

"No but they were saying somethings I just couldn't accept and lost my cool, before I knew it I was already punching the guy and fighting with the guy two friends. I knew I messed up but I dont regret" Lance sighed and turned to look at pidge.

"What did they say" Pidge asked in a small voice looking straight into his blue eyes.

"They were insulting someone important to me, someone who special who I couldn't forgive those who spoke ill off her when she so amazing in my eyes. She would do anything for me and even did me a favour tonight only for those dicks to speak bad off her once she started walking away with another guy. They spoke of her in such ways that my anger built up becuase she is the most beautiful girl in the world and she too perfect in my eyes" Lance spoke with a soft voice as gentle smile sat on his lips as he looked into her hazel eyes.

"Lance" Pidge whispered as she felt his free hand land on her cheek with care almost unsure if it should touch her but she leaned into the hand that showed he cared.

She glanced back to the boy only to find his face centimetre away from her own, his blue eyes scanning her for any sign and his lips ready to be fed from the hunger he felt as he notice how soft her lips seemed. She closed her eyes before leaning in closing the gap herself and gently placed a hand on his shoulder and another on his neck closing any extra gap between them. She felt him sit up better to hold her as his other hand landed on her hip. She felt his tongue poke at her lips begging for entrance and she let him in. Moaning slightly into the kiss making him explore hour mouth even more before slowly pulling away as they both needed something called air.

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