Chapter 6.

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"Knock Knock" Lance mutter as he glanced to the sorter girl beside him who nibble on a cookie. 

"Who there" Pidge asked as she glanced to him, leaning on his arm as they sat in the back of the car, Hunk fast asleep on the other side of pidge.

"Marry" Lance mumbled and glanced to the girl leaning on him.

"Marry who" Pidge replied and lifted her head too look at Lance.

"Marry me" Lance grinned and Pidge giggled, Shiro glancing at them in the mirror as he drove the car and Adam just laughing in the passenger seat. 

"Nice try but I'm not taking the blame when your parents called asking why you suddenly left" Pidge smirked and Lance sulked and Shiro chuckled.

"so, are we going to talk about the phone calls or your families" Shiro asked as he went back to focusing on driving and the two in question looked at the other before frowning.

"nope but thanks for coming and saving us, we knew you guys were excited about seeing your families again" Lance replied with worry.

"we just glad your both ok and we sorry for telling you to go see your families, we didnt think it might be as bad as it was. Next holiday why dont you two come with us or hunk or just chill together" Adam smiled kindly.

"thanks, I think we found the best family right here" Pidge smiled brightly and the two at the front of the car smiled proudly.

"nn-no not the food" Hunk groaned in his sleep making the four laugh at him before he drifted back into a content sleep. 

After a six hour car ride, the group finally made it back to their shared flat and all sat down with a grunt. Hunk was the most awake but then again he was the only one to sleep during all the journey. Adam and Shiro cuddle up on their sofa, slowly falling to sleep without a care. Lance and Pidge just sat on the three seat sofa leaning on the other trying their best to stay awake. 

After ten minutes the two was wide awake as their phones run showing their mothers name. Both glancing to each other slightly scared and worried before nodding and standing up. They walked to their own rooms and answered leaving Hunk to make everyone a warm drink. He tried getting Shiro and Adam to go to bed in their own shared room but neither would move until they know Lance and Pidge would be ok after their phone calls. 

The phone calls mostly ended by the two yelling and ending the call themselves instead of a peaceful both agreeing to hang up on both sides of the phone. The three sat in the living room just hearing the two storm around in their rooms before the doors opening. A small grunt showed that either lance ran over to pidge hugging her or pidge stormed over to lance and hugged him. They never know but not long ager the two came walking in and sat down once again. Hunk got up and made them some hot chocolate while Shiro and Adam walked over giving them both a hug and letting them cry into their chests, hiding their crying faces from every as they do cry. 

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