I like it here

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"Whoa! She has a porcelain Face!"

I heard voices around me.

"Her Hair shines so pretty!"

I could barely open my eyes.

Why are all these people around me?

And who are they anyway?

"Wait, let me help you up."

A guy with white hair said.

I took his hand to stand back up.

"Sorry you had to touch trash like me." He smiled.

I didn't know what to say about that.

"Uhm..I think there's a problem.."
I said.

"Huh, what problem?"

A guy with pink hair asked me. Why does he have so weird teeth?

"I-I don't remember getting here. Neither who you guys are."

They just starred at me for moment, as if I said something unbelievable.

"W-Well, we don't remember either."

Someone said.


"We were randomly put on this Island, no one really knows anything."

Oh yeah this weird rabbit thing did that. Well, this is great.

"So, we already told each other our names and talents. What about you?"


"M-My name is (y/n) (l/n) and I'm the Ultimate Doll."

"This isn't a surprise haha."
The white haired guy said.

I don't know if this is an insult or a compliment.

Apparently, his name is Nagito and he is the Ultimate Lucky Student.

Wish I had that.

I also learned the names of the others. And there talents.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"We should explore the Island."

This is such a weird situation. Maybe I get Murdered or something.
How exciting.

Never had so much excitement in my Life before.

A D0ll isn'7 supp0s3D t0 h4v3 3m0t10ns.

"Are you coming?"


I got ripped out of my thoughts.

"Y-Yeah, C-Coming."

Wh4T aR3 y0u d0ing..? A D0ll d0esn'7 s7utt3R liK3 th4t!

I followed Hajime and Nagito across the Island.

I didn't really wanna explore all of that on my own. Pretty Sure that I would get lost. Also, it's always nice to have company.

S0m30ne wh0 c4n t3Ll m3 wH4t t0 d0.

We were at a Farm, an Airport, a Hotel and a Park. Nothing really interesting.

Wh0 aRe y0•u t0 dec1de THAT?°

After we did that, there was an announcement, we shall all go to the beach were we first met.

New Task: go\ to the be4ch.

So we went there.

After we told Byakuya what each of us found, the rabbit thing showed up again.

"T-There's no way we can go swimming in a situation like this!" Hajime said.

Ah yes, she told us we could go swimming.


We could....

I don't have to....

N3w T4sk: g0 sw1mm1ng.\•

Almost everyone went swimming.

Well, I was randomly standing there, not knowing what to do.

I.. Did as I was told to. What now?

"Hey you just gotta stand there?"



I couldn't even react that fast.

The white haired boy were splashing me.

Maybe I should forget for a second that I'm a Doll.

N0 y0u c4n'1 d0 tHa7, y0u l00se y0ur t4len7!°

I splashed him back.

"Pff you think!" I said.

And for one Moment....

Just for one second....

I laughed.

I had Fun.

I could forget my insecurities.

I guess no one really thinks why I should have such things.

Well, I do.

Just like..Ev3rY oN3 eLs3.

Hopeless (Nagito x Reader). Where stories live. Discover now