Scared little girl?

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"Monomi? What are you doing?"

"I'm freeing him. I can't watch how they're treating another classmate."

And with that, Nagito was free again.

Thank you, rabbit.

"Now then, he said, how about we look around that second island?"

Back to normal again.

"Yeah, Sure!"

I was...excited.

He offered to hold my hand.


"So we don't get lost of course."
He smiled.

I blushed like crazy.

I took his offer.

But before we could go..

Ding Dong

A Body has been discovered!



A-Another one?

I squeezed Nagitos Hand tighter.

He looked down to me and said.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

"What if we mess up the trial?"
I asked.

He looked confused.

"I thought you didn't mind dying."

Well that was obviously a lie, dumbass.

"Come on, don't loose hope now."

I nodded.

"What are we gonna do now?"

"Investigate of course."

"But we don't know where the body is.."

"We will find out."

After a while, we found the body in a beach house.

I wasn't afraid of the body.

I was afraid that it could have been him.

I didn't really liked the redhead anyway.

Wait what am I thinking?

"Hey Nagito?"

"Yes Princess?"

"I-I'm not a princess. Sonia is."

"But you're my princess."

Don't blush so much!!

"B-But do you really mean the things you say?"

He looked at me with widened eyes, but then smiled.

"I know I'm complicated, but I still mean every word I say to you."

Maybe now I can ask him about him that night at the pool?


"....Class trial begins....Monokuma Rock.."

"Well we should get going."


But on the way there, I hurt my foot.


"Hey what happened??"
He looked..worried.

"I-I can't get up."

"Wait let me help you."
He helped me stood back up.

"I-I can't walk either.."

This is embarrassing.

"I have an idea" he said.

He helped me go to a rock, and from there on his back.

My arms were tight around his neck and my head on his shoulder.

"A-Am I not to heavy??"

"Haha, not at all!"

I think he's lying.


"Thank you Nagito.."

I said.

"You really hope."

I said before I fell asleep. Well, I haven't slept all night so even in this weird position, I could sleep.

Maybe because he was there.

And I felt safe.

"Hey Princess, you need to wake up, we're there."

I rubbed my eyes, he was right.

"Mikan. She has an injury on her foot. Can you help before the trial starts?"

"Y-Yes, I-I always h-have someth-ing with m-me."

I really like her. Even tho she is clumsy.

I smiled.

"Thank you so much Mikan, I feel a lot better now."

"N-No Problem."

Time to start the second trial.

Hopeless (Nagito x Reader). Where stories live. Discover now