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I will try this room! I promised to myself.

So at night, I went down there. I was alone in the room, and it wasn't so hard as I thought.

Nagito was right..

Before me was a gun, I was a bit scared..

A bit?

Actually I'm super scared.

But I picked up the gun, and thought of Nagito. I thought of his laugh, and the things we did so far.

But there's no going back now.

Maybe I could point the gun about above my head? So when it would fire, it wouldn't hit me?

And that's what I did.

The gun didn't fire.

And the room before me opened.

Ah, it counted?

I got in and saw a lot of weapons.

Even fridges with poison in it.

Ah, there's also a door on the floor, I wonder where it goes?

And a window?


This is strange.

I saw trees, and we were above them. That shouldn't be possible.

I got out of the room, I didn't bring any kind of weapon with me.

I tried to rest a bit.

And I'm hungry.

Well, at least I won't gain any weight.

The next day, there was another murder.

I tried to find out the mystery, but I guess I'm to dumb.

Call me..Ultimate Dumb from now on!


I looked at my arms.

Maybe I shouldn't have done that..

So, the class trial began.

And this time, I said something to.

"I noticed something too. There was a window, but what I saw didn't made any sense."

"....Wait you..you did it? After I told you.."

"Yes. Nagito I cleared the final dead room. Are you finished?"

He didn't say more to it.

We figured out the trial, even tho it was very hard this time.

I went to the new Island, everyone was at this food place.

"....I'll find the traitor even if it costs my life!"

Then I understood.

If he dies, it would be easier for me to hate him..



How could I ever hate him??

Maybe he's Insane, but.. I don't think he wants to harm anyone.

But he also said that the next kill will probably be the last.

I put the pieces together.


He..will probably be the last kill.

A tear rolled down my face.


W-Why him?

That's when I decided.

I will stop that all costs.

--Next Day--

I realized I'm not much help with helping the others to get out of here.

Well, what can I do?

I went out of my cottage, I wanted to go to the Restaurant, and Nagito was standing there too.


"Hello Nagito."
I gave him a soft smile.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm heading to the Restaurant.."

"Could you..wait here for a few minutes?"

"Huh? Why?"

"....I know you must hate me but please trust me this one time."

"Okay." I said smiling.

He gave a little smile back before he went in.

And after a minute or so, I heard an explosion.

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