Let me die

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"W-What's going on?"

Hajime asked.

A few people are really acting weird.

Then Monokuma showed up.

"This is your next motive! I made them sick!"


"....and (Y/N) has the Mood swing!"

I have what..?

All I know is that I want to..
Want to..


I got over to Nagito and cried like crazy.

"Please kill me already! I can't live with what you told me yesterday! You rejected me! No one cared about me except you! If you don't do it then I do it by myself! "

I said all this while hugging him.

I looked up to him, he had tears in his eyes.

But then my mood went from depressed to..happy?

"(Y/N), please calm down."

Sonia said.

"You're right!"

I said all happy.


"I love all of you!"
I cheered.

"They need to go to the hospital real quick."

"How are we gonna get them there."

"Hey guys."

I said.

"W-What is it?"

"Is it normal that..everything..is going...."

I couldn't finish the sentence.

I just..

Went unconscious.

I woke up in the hospital with Mikan by my side.

I feel..so sick..

I still have mood swings, but I'm not able to say anything anyway.

Am I going to die?

Will soon be another class trial..without me?

The door opened, but I don't have enough strength to open my eyes.

I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Mikan..will she be alright?"

"I-I c-can't rea-ally s-say, f-for now i-it doesn't look r-really g-good."

"Can I stay with her?"

"Y-Yes, b-but n-not l-long."

"Thank you Mikan."

"Hey....you probably can't hear me but..I needed to say it anyway."

Oh I can..hear you.. I wanna open my eyes..if I could see him one last time..I could die happy.

"I don't know if you meant what you said earlier but....You should know that your the first person who cares about me too. You probably really hate me now, but.. I really do like you. I'm just scared. I didn't wanted you to fall for me, because I'm gonna do some really stupid stuff that might hurt your feelings.
And..I didn't wanted you to get in my way but you did. And..the night at the pool..I really wanted to kiss you.
And that I told you yesterday that I didn't like you, broke my heart too."

I..he..he..does like me?

"Please survive, so we can have at least a few good more moments together."

I felt that he took my hand.

Now I really wanted to survive.

"I need to get going, but I bet Mikan will take good care of you... Survive.. For Hope."

Hopeless (Nagito x Reader). Where stories live. Discover now