The first Death

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Everything was going well..

I was talking to the others..

We were having fun..

And now..

He's Dead.

Byakuya Togami.. Is Dead.

At least it wasn't me.
I thought.

All the others were devastated.


This is not the first time I experienced something like this, so no big deal.

But....if we mess up in the class's the end for all of us.

Should I investigate?

I mean..maybe I find something..

I left the area.
I looked around but couldn't find anything.

Ch4ng3 doesn't h4ppen (overnight.)

I hope the others had more luck.





What's my Hope?

*Ding Dong*

....The class trial begins....gather around Monokuma Rock....

Guess I'm going there.



I turned around.

"Hey Ultimate Lucky Student."

He raised an eyebrow.

"Since when are you calling me this?"

"From know on." I said smiling.

"Please don't."

"Hmmm we'll see."

"So did you find your Hope?"

I looked at him. My face turned a bit red, as I looked away again I said:

"Maybe I did."

"That's wonderful! There's nothing better than hope!"

"Well, there's one thing.."

"Huhhhh? What is it?"

"I won't tell you."
As I winked at him.

"Oh look, this time we're not the last ones."

"I don't understand how you can smile in a situation like this."

Sonia said to Nagito.

I like her. She's Cute and Weird.
But she seems to have a thing for Gundham.

So Cute.

As we waited Nagito said some more stuff about Hope.

I don't care what he is talking about, as long as he talks. his voice I guess..

0nly h1s voic3?

And then....after a few minutes, we were on an elevator.

During the trial everything was quite alright. Everyone said what they thought and made conclusions.

And then..

There was Nagito..

"Let's just give up and die!"


I looked up to him, he had a little crazy look on his face and wasn't speaking normally like he used to.

"I mean, isn't it better to die and believing your friends?"

Well no.

"Nagito..what the hell happend to you?"
Hajime asked.

Everyone seemed shocked and scared.

But I'm not.

I don't quite know why, but I find his character very interesting.

When he looked at me, I smiled.

Then he looked relieved and would carry on.

He truly is, my Hope.

They then came to an conclusion that shocked me.

"The only two persons who could've hid the knife were..Nagito and (Y/N)."

I stood there in shock.

Fuck! Why did I wanted to clean again?

"H-Hold on, how do you know Nagito were helping me?"



All of the sudden I felt so many emotions, it was wonderful.
I felt excitement, my heart was beating like crazy, I felt despair and hope at the same time.





I smiled a little.

"She didn't do it."


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