Russian Roulette

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I was in my cottage, because I didn't know what to do now. I just kinda hoped I would be the next victim.

*knock knock*

Oh my prayers have been heard.

I opened the door.

"What's up Hajime?"

"Hey, can to you?"

"Sure thing."

We set on my bed.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Do it."

"Can you tell me where the blood was from?"


"I'm just..curious..Because I Care about you."

"You care about me..?"

"I care about all my friends."

"Thank you.." I said smiling.

*knock knock*

"Who's that?"

I opened the door.

Oh great..the person I wanted to see the least.

"What do YOU want?"

"I- uhm.."

He wanted to say something, but stopped when he saw Hinata-Kun.

"Ah, I just wanted to know how your foot is."

"It's fine."
I said annoyed, holding back tears.

"..Th-Thats good, I also wanted to get you so we can go inside the tower."

"Oh right." Hajime said.

"I know you probably don't want to but, we have to be complete to do this."

I nodded.

"I tell you later then"

I said to Hajime.

On the way there, Nagito tried to talk with me, but I ignored him.

God, shut up.

But he wouldn't stop talking.

I finally said.

He looked shocked, but he told me myself. I should hate him, right? After all that he did?

What he did?

Or..did I do this to myself?

Well we were all inside a strawberry house all of sudden.

The next motive is to kill someone or to starve.

Yeah I hope I starve.

Ah, there is also something that is called the final dead room.

I should try that.

What should I do all day in here anyway?

I spend most of the time with Hajime, I also told him about the blood, and my feelings, he seemed to understand.

But when I was alone, I felt so hopeless.

Shouldn't he be spreading hope? Because all that I got is despair.

I went to the final dead room.

I stood before it, and wanted to enter but..

Someone grab my wrist.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I turned around with dead eyes.

"None of your business."

"Oh yes it is, you could die in there."

"How do you know that?"

"Because at the end you need to play Russian Roulette, and you're depressed. I am not letting you go In there."

"Leave me alone, Nagito. You're not my boyfriend."

I said in a cold voice.

"Didn't you hear what I said earlier? You're still the most important person to me and will always be. No matter what. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Nothing could hurt me more than you, Nagito."

I said and left.

Hopeless (Nagito x Reader). Where stories live. Discover now