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The second Trial really was something.

I..even cried. now gone..

This really hit me.

After that, I just went straight to my cottage.

I'm..kinda scared.

I walked around the new island that opened...alone..

I needed to clear my head.

My foot still hurts, and I can only move slowly.

Perfect for a victim, don't you think?


As I finished, I tried to sleep. But I couldn't.

I was scared.

So I went to his cottage.

"Oh, (Y/N)! What are you doing here?"

He looked tired.

"I-I am sorry if I am bothering you..b-but..I wanted to ask if I could stay the night?"

I looked away, I surely blushed like crazy.

"That's great! No one visits trash like me anyway!"

"Thank you, Nagito."
I smiled at him.

I always wanna tell him that he's not trash, but I can't. And I don't know why.

"So why do you wanna stay here?..Could it be..that you're scared?"

I slightly nodded.

"That's Cute."

He said.

"I will sleep on the floor then, where trash belongs."

"No your not. M-Maybe we could sleep in one bed? If it's not a problem for you."


He looked surprised and then smiled.


We went to bed, my back leaned against the wall, and he hugged me. My head was in his chest and I could here his heartbeat. It was calm, while mine is going like crazy.

But at least..I felt safe. I always feel safe in his arms.

"Hey Nagito?"


He asked, half asleep.

"I-Is there someone on this island that you like?"

I couldn't believe I actually asked that.

"Well, I like everyone, after all, you are all symbols of hope. But if you mean like in a romantic way, then no."

My heart shattered.

He..doesn't like me.

Even tho he didn't say it straight to my face, it hurts so much.

I cried.


And I realized, I need to accept it. As fast as possible.

I didn't like this feeling.

Even when I said I wanted these emotions, I guess I was really better not to have any.

From all the crying, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Nagito was already awake. I tried to stood up.


I cried out in pain.
He rushed to me.

"Hey, what's wrong??"

"My foot just hurts a little."

"Can you..walk?"

"Yes, I just stood up to fast."

He smiled in relief.

He always smiles.


He glanced over to the bed.

"Why is it..wet?"

Suddenly, I remember. I cried. He..kinda rejected me.

"I don't know."

I said.

"Thank you for letting me stay. See u later."

I left without another word.

I..didn't know what to do.

How do I deal with something like that?

The more I thought about it, the more I cried.

Then suddenly...

Hopeless (Nagito x Reader). Where stories live. Discover now