The day i died

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"Why? After all that you told me?"


I cried.

"I said I wouldn't let you die. And we need another class trial.."

"You wanna do this all for me?"

He nodded.

"That's stupid! If you wanna do something for me, then don't die!"

He smiled.

"Hey, trust me."

"How? You are gonna kill yourself! Are you gonna leave me here alone?? In this world were I have no one but you??"

"....Please, I need you to trust me."

"....Don't expect me to live when you die."

"Please do the class trial, love."


I said.

"I love you more than anything else in the world."

"I love you too."

One last smile.

Before I went out, crying.

I should have kissed him.

I thought.

Well, to late.

I should have died instead of him too.

I didn't investigate. Of course I didn't.

I was busy with not going Insane.

--Class Trial--

"So it was a suicide?"

I didn't listen.

I know they are looking at me.

I cried. Cried. All the time.

All the pictures of him were in my head.



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I could even swear I heard his voice

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I could even swear I heard his voice..

"I told you to trust me."

This is in my Head right?

I turned around as someone touched my shoulder.


"I told you to trust me."
He smiled.

That's not real.

That's not real.

This can't be..real..

"You're not real.. You can't be.."


He..kissed me.

And I kissed back of course.

I don't care if this is real! I wanted to do this for so long!

He pulled away.

"Do you believe me now? Thanks for trusting me."

I nodded.

" did you.."

"I'll tell you later, we first have to get over this trial."


Well this was..interesting. I thought.
(You know what happens so I skipped this part.)

"Are we ready to do this?"

"Of course, we build our own future!"

I took Nagitos hand.

We smiled at each other.

Yes, we will build our own future now.

And I will always trust Nagito from now on, without a doubt.

He explained, that it was some kind of poison, that would seem like he's dead, but would wake up again after a few hours.

And I'm so glad he did.

Let's do this.

Let's build our own future.

You thought that's the end, right?
Our happy future? With everyone else on the island?

I wish that were the case..

But Nagito..

He never woke up.

But I did.

And I, was sitting by his side, day by day.

'Till one night I fell asleep.

I slept,

And slept,

And never woke up.

Guess a broken heart can really kill you, huh?

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