Learning feelings

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After Nagito and I cleaned everything, the others prepared everything. Like Food and stuff.

But I couldn't stop thinking what Monokuma said about our stolen Memories.

I'm not supposed..




And.. What about that Timer? I thought he said there were no Time limit??

I feel a little scared..


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I know I shouldn't feel..

But..maybe I could..be myself..
I mean..there is a chance that I could die....

And I don't wanna die like this.

Full of regret.

And a meaningless life.

Just for the time of being here....

When we're back at school, I can still be the heartless Doll I'm used to. Therefore, why should I loose my title when I'm taking a little break from it? Hajime can't even remember his.

I think..

Nagito could help me with being more like myself.

Finding myself.

Show me emotions and so on. The others of course too..
Maybe I'm not worth it, and wasting time, maybe I get hurt pretty bad..but..isn't this Life?

I'm....learning Life everyday right?

And is this title really worth it? When I'm so....Unhappy?

Just for once..I could make..Friends.... Have Fun..like that day at the beach..

And the best thing is..
No one is stopping me. At least not on this Island.



It will take some time but-


I want that my heart races.

Falling in Love? Maybe, I read about it in books.

I just

So let's go.

"H-Hey Nagito?"

He turned around. He seemed to be surprised that I'm talking to him.

"Oh, hey (y/n)! What's up?"

"I..want to ask you something."

"Sure, what is it?"

His smile warms my heart.


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"I wanted to ask if you..uhm..could help me with something?"

"Of course, what can a piece of trash like me do for you?"

"I would like you to help me....uh..how do I put this?..Feel something."

He looked surprised.

"U-Uhm don't take this the wrong way, you know as the Ultimate Doll, you're not supposed to have feelings and stuff like that. B-But I wanna change that!"

I said these things without thinking.

How will he even be able to do that?

I fooled myself just now..

"I-I would like to help you."
He said.

"You do?"

"Yeah, for the sake of Hope!"

I smiled back at him.

"Thank you very much."

"But, I don't think I need to do much, after all you're already feeling something."

"W-What do you mean?"

"You see, you feel sad. You cried. And you already feel determined to wanting to feel more, so I'm positive!"

I was..stunned.


He's right.

I already feel things.

I'm a doll who came alive.

Not everything, but something.

So..I technically already would have failed if I weren't allowed to feel ANYTHING.

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I just..need to get rid of these voices.

Hopeless (Nagito x Reader). Where stories live. Discover now