He's crazy?

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Why did he..

"Well we should get out."
He said.

He helped me to get out of the pool and put a towel around me.

"We don't want you to get sick, right?"




No word about what just happened?

Wh1 d1d y0u w4nt3d t0 h4v3 f33l1ngs aga1n?

I..don't know.

"Well see u tomorrow then."

He put his hands on my shoulders and kissed my forehead.

I blushed.

But I couldn't understand what's going on.

"I-I guess."

We both went to our cottages.

This night I couldn't sleep at all.

My heart was always going crazy when I think of that moment.

I just wanna see what happens..when I don't give up.

The night was pretty long.

I was glad when Monokuma made his morning announcement.

I went to the Restaurant.

I sat down, not really eating anything.

Hajime came up to me.

"Are you alright (Y/N)?"

"Me? Yeah I'm alright."
I said, forcing a smile.

"Btw, do you know where Nagito is?"

"Oh we tied him up."

I looked over to Kazuichi.

He can't be serious.

The others told him how stupid they are or how dangerous he is.

You don't know that.

I put some food on a plate and was about to leave.

"H-Hey what are you doing?"
Sonia asked.

"I'm bringing him food. I mean, when he starves to death it's a murder, am I wrong?"

"Y-Yeah your right."

I better keep going.

He is in that old building were we had that party.

"You can't go there!"

Go away bunny.

"I looked at her. What if he starves to death? It's murder. I thought you don't want that?"


She left.

I opened the door and saw him laying there. In chains.

This kinda breaks my heart.

"Ohh (Y/N), I'm so glad you came here."

His voice wasn't normal. Just like at the class trial.

"Hey Nagito."

I said smiling.

It's not a forced one.

"I didn't thought anyone would come to see trash like me."

I set beside him.

"Don't say stupid things like that.."


"You're not trash Nagito. Maybe a little crazy, but not trash."

I said in a soft voice.

"Why would you say that?"
He asked.

"Why don't you think I'm insane? Or dangerous?"

I giggled, "If you were that dangerous you would've drowned me last night."

His eyes widened and he had a little blush on his face.

"So..uhm..s-should I feed you? I m-mean you can't eat on your own like that you know?"

"I would like that very much."

Yup, I don't know what to think about him.

As I fed him, he seemed so innocent.

My heart pumps like crazy.

Maybe because I'm crazy in Love?


"Do you need anything else?"
I asked him.

"Maybe you staying here."

I blushed.

....But does he even mean that?
I don't really know.

"I would love to."
I answered.

The others can go without me to the second island.

I'd rather stay here.

That's right, Monomi said she defeated one of these Monobeasts.

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