Letters to Zero

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In the Chao Garden, Zero slowly sits up, finally awake after how long, he's not sure. He holds his head, groggily.

"Ugh, no more. Please, something happy, for I dunno... a minute? That'd be..."

A chao falls from the air above his head and lands well, on his head.


"Ooof! Arg!" he grunts, annoyed, as he rubs his head. "Obviously I'm awake now. Ugh! You!"

He gets up from lying in the softest moss and stomps over to the chao. It's a bit dazed. He picks it up and is about to give it a good scolding. But when he turns it to face him, he realizes it's... Tikal's chao! The one that looks just like her! He gasps.


"Chu!" the chao joyfully replies.

He smiles warmly, his eyes softening at the sight of her.

"Hmph, where ever did you come from, hmm? Did your mother leave you behind? Well, you can rest assured that I, Zero the Jackal, will take excellent care of you from now on. After all, Tikal... she and I, why, we're the closest of friends... her being gone won't change that."

He nuzzles the little chao under her chin and sees an envelope tied to her necklace.

"What's this? A note?"

He sits in the moss, with Little Tikal in his lap, opens the envelope, and reads a letter from his friends.

"To: The Boss, From: Jackal Squad; Dave, Willy, Bruddah, Gadget, Barker. Well, this should be interesting."

Based upon their signatures, Zero is able to imagine each squad member's voice as he reads. First, he hears Dave the Intern.

"Greetings, Boss! Thanks for taking a chance on me! I found Tikal for you! I know she's not a ghost like the Tikal we hung out with, but she's definitely Tikal! Have fun! Careful, she's kind of clingy. All the best, Dave."

"Ha, indeed she is rather affectionate. That's what I like about her. Ah, my good man, Dave, I knew you'd impress me! And let's see, what else..."

He reads the next section, hearing Bruddah's voice in his head.

"Boss! Be well! It ain't the same without-cha! Me and my weasel bruddahs 'been talkin' bout how cool you are to everybody. I heard you made a dragon eat a giant bird in da Null Space. Dat's what's up! Sincerely, Bruddah. P.S. Everyone likes my new name!"

Chuckle. "Glad to hear it, Bruddah. Mephiles definitely got devoured, that's for certain."

Moving on. Zero can now hear Willy the Walrus as he reads...

"Hey-ya Boss, sorry about you gettin' pulverized in the Null House."

"Heh, the Null House. Oh Willy, you sound like such an old man! Haha."

"Anyhow, I went to Amy's place and asked her what she fed ya when you were sick that one time and she said high end tea. So I jacked for you, some high end tea from that health food stand across from Meh Burger. Then she said ya liked women's shampoo. So I stole you the brand she recommended. Shoot, I stole ya the whole line, buddy! It's by the water fall. Your pal, Willy."

Zero takes a look at the nearby water fall and sees a big basket of classy goodies, which he admittedly plans to enjoy asap.

"Ha! Well I'll be damned. To be fair, Little Tikal, women's hair products tend to be better suited for my sexy locks, don't you agree? Course you do!" He smiles happily as he pets Little Tikal. A heart forms over her head. "Ah, there's more! This part's from Gadget."

"Boss, as soon as you're well, let's spar with Sonic again. Seriously, he keeps whining about it. He even tried to get me to join his team. I told him, nah, I'm good. Truth is, I won't actually be good until you're awake. Sorry to be such a fan boy but dude, you're like, my idol! Your friend, Gadget.

"Psh! In your dreams, Sonic. I saw Gadget first!" He turns the letter over and sees one final message... from his cousin, Barker. "Oh? A message from the ring master himself? I'm intrigued."

"Zero, my only family member, when we were children, I could never fathom a way to tell you why you were my favorite. Now I know. One reason. Your strength. You are the strongest individual I have ever known. There are few people in this world that I admire. You are the only living hero that remains from those painful, childhood years. It was difficult for me to say goodbye to my beloved, jackal brethren. I took much of my grief out on you. In all honesty, I'm counting down the minutes until I converse with you again. No one misses you more than I do. Please though, I implore you, I have a reputation for being rather ruthless and a bit of a scam artist. I worked hard to create this facade. Let it only be known between you and me, that I have a soft spot. Capeche? I love you. Always. And for the love of all that is holy, I'm the last one to write on this note and the one attaching it to the chao, so don't let anyone see it! Your trouble-making cousin and life-long friend, T.W. Barker."

Wishing he still had the mask, Zero closes his eyes and sits in silence, trying not to sob. Little Tikal stares up at him, then hugs him.

"So there is a place for Infinite here after all, and it's not a prison or a torture chamber," he quietly realizes. Then he folds the letter and lovingly places it back inside the envelope. "I'm going to bathe using those stolen goods. I need to look my best when me and my squad get back into action. Sound good, Little Tikal?"

"Chu!" the chao responds in the tiniest, most adorable voice.

He caresses her face and beams, remembering how Tikal told him he wasn't alone anymore.

"Well said, my friend, well said,"

The End. 

Next story in The Diamond Series: Ghost in the Maze

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