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Scientific advances are a miracle in themselves. The things we learn about the world, and the things we learn about the human body is crazy. When scientific discoveries are found, those advances spill over into the medical field.

These advances are essential to human life. Essential to keep us knowledgeable about how living organisms work.

Ethically, only good should come from advancements. Morally they should be for the good of the people, good of the earth, or good for the animals we share our planet with.

For example; artificial incubation of humans.

'Test tube babies.'

For the longest time these practices were not advanced enough to control, or assure positive successful outcomes. They child could live or die. They were unable to perfect the process.

But then one day they did.

The day came where parents who could not conceive were capable to experience the joy of having a child, and having a child that looked like them.

The joy and happiness that love like that can bring a family, is not something that can be measured. You can not put a value on it, it can not be grasped. It's a gift that can never be truly repaid. No one knows that kind of relief other than those who experience it first hand.

But that's when things go horribly wrong.

There isn't just good in the world. And 'ethics' get thrown out the window for 'scientific and medical advances.'

What was once a gift of a miracle, turned into a curse of nightmares.

A money making nightmare.

The farming of humans, was a multi billon dollar project that allowed society to turn their backs to what was right or wrong. The selling and purchasing of real life organic human beings, was legal and accepted. The advancement had become so popular and accepted, that establishments were able to categorize those they sold. They would keep them 'off the market' until they were the desired age. Blondes, brunettes, red heads; blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes; men and woman of all shapes and sizes available for your choosing, and all you had to do was window shop.

What has this world come to?

Need someone to work the hard labor on your farm, in your house? Buy a man, strong and tough. Need someone who wont talk back? Buy a mute. Need someone to be a maid or nanny? You got it.

Even sex dolls.

The act of 'Living Dolls' was passed in congress, and the law stated that though they were living organic beings, capable of intelligent thought, feeling pain and falling to death, they were separate beings of 'humans.'

No difference in DNA, chromosomes, or build; it was because they were not born, that they were not allowed basic human rights. You could do whatever you wanted with these beings, and the facilities that sold them, made sure they were to every customer's satisfaction.

Genetically modified to meet everyones needs, over the decads they have mastered how to manipulate the personalities and physique of these individuals, and stamp a number on them. A price.

Some were educated, some barley able to communicate. Some were for develop for business strategies, and some were even specific for modeling.

But not me.

I was genetically modified to be a sex doll for whoever could afford me.

I guess you could consider me lucky.

I am intelligent and understand the ways of this world. I understand what I am and how I came into this world. I see 'strength dolls' bought constantly, unaware that they are human being. Brain washed to only know one thing, the ignorance was almost envied.

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