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I spent the night with Namjoon, and all the next day we stayed together. We actually went to a science museum, and it was so much fun. It was my second time coming to this one, the first time we didn't have enough time to see everything. He held my hand, kissed me, wrapped his arms around me as we stood in line for a few things.

I had been with them for about 8 months at this point, and I was able to have more things to talk about. More questions to ask, and actual plans to be made. He asked me if there was any one place I would want to go and I honestly couldn't decide.

I told him about wanting to see the rolling lands in Ireland, how I wanted to see the ocean on either coast or overseas it didn't matter to me. It would be amazing to see the great castles of the Spanish empire, and the art museums of French painters, or even festivals in the German or Asian countries.

"I would honestly be happy with any of them."

"Well that doesn't narrow it down." He laughed.

"Why, are you planning a trip."

"Actually, we are."

My eyes went wide. "Oh..."

"Why do you suddenly look sad."

"Well...I mean...I can't travel."

"Why not?"

"I don't have a birth certificate. I am property remember, not a person."

"You are a person, and you do technically have a birth certificate. It's not exactly the same as mine or the rest of the guys but it does the trick, and Jin is already working on getting your passport."


I was shocked. Why things like their kindness still shocked me I wasn't sure, but maybe I was just not used to it yet.

Or afraid it would run out.

Not that I thought any of them were that kind of person.

I didn't at all.

But the anxiety always got to me. The life span of a Doll once they have been bought is not long. Usually 5 to 10 years. Either an illness would get to them, or they are disposed of by the owners who no longer want them.

He took my hand and leaned forward kissing me sweetly before he ran his thumb over my bottom lip. "I love it when you do that."

"Do what?"

"You push your lips together and rub them. Sometimes you do it absentmindedly, sometimes you do it when you're nervous or scared. But I think its adorable."

"I didn't even realize I did it."

"I didn't either until Yoongi and Jimin pointed it out one night."


He laughed. "Yeah. Yoongi commented about how Jimin always pushes his head back, I always cover my face, and that you always rub your lips together."

"Yoongi covers his face too." I smiled.

He kissed me again with a smile. "You're right he does." He let out a sigh and continued walking with me. "Had enough? Are you ready to go home?"

"Actually I am. I'm really tired."

"I'll text Tae and let him know."

"Why just Tae?"

"He wanted to take a bath with you. He has all this spa stuff and wanted to pamper you."

"Awe." I cooed holding my hand to my heart. "That's so sweet of him."

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