Chapter -13 Stronger we rise

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Layla's POV

I couldn't sleep for the next 2 days.I kept going over everything I came to know about my past.My father was not really my father. But he ruined my life when his friend raped me so that he could keep his job...he was drunk at work wow. My mother died 10 years ago. She killed herself. Was it my fault? Why did she leave me here? Who was she running from? Who is my real father?

So many questions were eating my brain alive, the only positive thing I could come up with was that the monster in my life would never come back and Rayan was here by my side every step of the way. The nightmares were a side effect of what happened, but I could live with it. Having gone through it all my life I could be stronger and move on. There was nothing stopping me now.

Raya was kind enough to let me stay in Raylee's old room since I couldn't think about stepping in that house ever again. He even cleared my stuff and got it here. I planned to sell the house and car after school, the money would help me in Europe. My next step was to get back to school, my normal routine. I decided to go to school tomorrow even when Rayan was not sure about it,I convinced him. The only thing that was I wasn't ready for was telling Andrew everything. I guess I would have to just tell him the truth. I sigh and gaze at the bare room around me with nothing but a closet, vanity with some dress drawings and bright red curtains.

Andrew's POV-

It was Wednesday, as I enter my business class my thoughts drifted to Layla. She never replied to my text or calls. It was like she became a ghost for a week, I sat down with my head resting on my palms. "Hello Mister Moss" came the voice of my friend I missed so much. I looked up to see Layla in an oversized hoodie and white pants. " Where have you been and why is your jaw blue and back?" I ask. She sat next to me "Andrew I am sorry I disappear, but I have a lot to tell you, just promise you won't judge me please" I smile and say "Never". The bell rang and class started.

At lunch time we both went to the football field and sat..."So basically he was never my father and my mom killed herself ".    I was shocked, how could this girl still be sitting next to me strong and fearless. "You are brave" was all I could say. I wanted to go and thank Rayan for all that he did for her. I was just glad that she was safe and the worst was over.

The last bell rang and Layla and I were going out. We walked towards Rayan's car and I saw him waiting for her. I walked up to him and offered hand. He shook it firmly, "Thank you for everything you did for my friend, you saved her" I say with gratitude in my eyes. He smiled and looked at Layla who had a cheeky grin on her face. "My bestie and boyfriend bonding, oh a dream come true!".
We had a good laugh before heading our separate ways.

Hii humans
I just had to take a break yesterday sorry .. exams on😑😑
So did u see the little teaser I put up😉  my next book is about Andrew...I will start it after this one.

Byee uu🥰🥰

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