Chapter 5

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HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!! Or at least, to all countries that celebrate that (Amurica). So yeah. Here's a little.... Thanksgiving gift. Post what you're thankful for in the comments! (or not. You never really have to do what I say. Not that anyone does it anyway.)
When you woke up, the first thing you noticed was that you were nauseous. Very nauseous. You worked through the nausea and surveyed the room you were in. It was dark red with black at the edges. The floor was dark hardwood flooring, with a black rug in the middle of the floor. A dresser with a blue 3DS on it was in the corner, and a flatscreen TV was mounted on the wall. You whistled.

"Woah, this is a nice room! (or not)"

You then saw Red come in, with only one tail this time. She was wearing a white T-shirt and jeans with the gloves and boots from the last time you saw her. You wanted to ask her species to be sure, though, but to be polite you didn't at the moment.

"Uh.... Hey, _____!" Red waved shyly. She must still be shy.

"Hi." you said.

"S-supper's ready, and the d-dining hall is downstairs and t-to your r-right." she said before running off. She stutters now? Must be cause of you being here.

You walked downstairs without a sound. You took a right and started looking through rooms.

"Blue bedroom, Red bedroom, One bedroom, Two bedroom-Wait it was One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish... Oh well." You said, continuing to look through rooms. There was a game room, a living room, the kitchen, and AHA! the dining room! You went in the dining room to find Sonic impatiently tapping his foot with a look that said "What took you so long?". Red was sitting down peacefully bliss, and Tails was sweatdropping at Sonic.

"C-can we eat now, please?" Red asked politely.

"Yeah, I don't see why not," Tails said as Red started eating some pasta.

"Mmmmm...." she murmured before taking another bite.

By this time, you already took a seat and started to eat. (if you don't like pasta, replace with something you do.)
The conversation was a bit awkward, but then we can onto a weird subject.

"Red?" you asked, getting a "Hmm?" in reply. "Are you a kitsune or a fox?"

"I'm a fox, or at least I am now, but when I'm scared my tail goes crazy, making it look like I have two tails." Red explained.

"Oh... Well then, where were you these past two weeks?" you said with a curious glint in your eyes.

"H-here," Red started, getting nervous under your stare. "D-Dr. Robotnik/Eggman(/whatever the heck he's called now) had come for a C-Chaos Emerald, which happened to be in my possession. He took me as hostage and tried to make me tell him where it was. I-I was defiant, and in order to make me tell him, he turned me into this and dropped me back at home. I heard that my parents escaped the fire, and were currently looking for me. I k-knew I couldn't stay on Earth, s-so I Chaos Controlled here." Red had finished eating and had sadness in her eyes as she finished. You, Sonic, and Tails were all shocked. You because of the whole Chaos Emerald thing, Sonic because Red found a Chaos Emerald in another dimension, and Tails becuase you Chaos Controlled with only one emerald. (When you and Sonic were Chaos Controlling, he had another emerald to ensure a safe trip.)

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