Chapter 10

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A/N: here's a chapter :) Also, sorry for slow updates. Im busy with competitions and working on 200 follower special. so ya. To the story.

Red first dragged you to Hot Topic. She and you wandered around for a bit, but found nothing so moved on. Next you went to Kryptonite (tehawesomestore). Red bought a Legend of Zelda hoodie while you got a (fave video game) hoodie. Both of you continued shopping until you had enough clothes to last you a lifetime.

"Ok, ok. Let's go meet the boys in the square." Red said. You nodded and continued to walk towards the square.

Once at the square, you noticed you still had time to kill.

"So..." You said trying to start a conversation. "You got a crush yet?" Red blushed fiercely.

"N-no!" She stuttered out. "I'm not in love with anyone!" "Sure...." You said, rolling your eyes. "W-Well... A-At least I don't get all flustered with Sonic!" Red retorted. "H-How did y-you know?!" You asked surprised. Red smirked. "I didn't," she said. "you just told me." She then proceeded to tease you by singing a "special" song.

"______ and Sonic, sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then ____'s pushin' the baby carriage!"

"Shut up!" you said. That song got on everyone's nerves, and the boys were coming back.

"What did you guys buy??" Tails asked.

"Well...." Red said, then took out a couple receipts and started reading them off. Sonic groaned as Red started talking as fast as Amy when she was fangirling.

"Wow. She must really like shopping sprees." You said. "Aren't you her best friend? You should know this best! Red and Amy go shopping once a month, and when they come back they practically have enough things to make a bridge to the moon!" Sonic said. You laughed at the thought of the exaggeration. "Would you believe she was actually shy before she came here?" Sonic's eyes were the size of saucers. "No way! She's super outgoing here, there's no possibility she would be shy." Sonic said. "True story. She was so quiet, she could've been a ninja. Seriously, even though she was bullied occasionally, she was the freakin' ninja of the school! When she did talk, she gave everyone a jumpscare!" You and Sonic laughed.

"What's so funny?" Tails asked. He had gotten bored with the constant lists of item after item! "Nothing." You and Sonic said simultaneously.
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Well I say 'A chapter a day keeps the masses at bay.' That way I don't die. Thank you for being patient. For all of those reading this, keep watch for a new book from me. You guys would really like it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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