Truth be told

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Perrie's POV


Once Jade and I arrived back at our flat she took me to the couch and I laid down there as my thoughts went over and over on the day. What if Zayn had really cheated on me? What was I going to do? I didn't want to break up with him. Pft! Who would want to break up with him! Not me, but if he had, I wasn't sure if I could deal with that. 

I have no idea what I was going to do.

'Perrie? Do you want some ice cream or something? I could call Zayn? You guys could talk. Find out the truth. It's up to you.' Jade smiled kindly at me. 

'How did you even know that was what was making me upset?' I asked her. It's not like I told her or anything. 

'You have had looked like you were about to cry ever since Alan came up to you after the show, plus we all heard what he said. He is called the chatty man for a reason.' She explained and I nodded my head. 

'Can I have ice cream and call Zayn? I think we really do need to talk about it and I need ice cream' I said giving her a small smile. She hurried off and I stared at the blank tv screen while she was busy. I couldn't be bothered to pick up the remote and turn the thing on so I just laid there in silence.

Jade came back about five minutes later with ice cream in a bowl with my favourite chocolate sauce topping on it. She knew me so well. 

'There is your icecream. I'll just go call Zayn now.' She said handing the bowl to me. 

'Before you go. Can you turn the tv on?' I asked before she walked out the door. She turned, gave me 'your so lazy' look but turned the tv on anyway before walking out the door to her room. I took one look at the tv screen. It was on channel 7 and X Factor UK was on. I smiled as I watched and ate my ice cream. People on this show were so talented. 


Jade's POV


I walked out the door, leaving a sad Perrie behind to watch tv while I called her boyfriend. 

Once I had pressed 'call' I put the phone up to my ear and it started ringing. He picked up on the fourth ring with a 'Hey Jade'

'Hey Zayn' I said back and he chuckled. 

'Vas Happenin'?' He asked and I sighed, here we go.

'Perrie is really upset.' I stated and waited for his reaction.

'What about?' Was all he said.

'The rumours. The rumours about you cheating. Now you need to come over here and explain to her, the truth. Even if that truth is that you did cheat, YOU need to tell her and no one else.' I explained and he sighed. 

'It depends what you define cheating as.' He slowly said and I frowned.

'Zayn! How could you!' I yelled into the phone.

'It was just a kiss and a few girls came over for a few drinks. She kissed me but I stopped her before it got any further. I promise you nothing more happened' He defended and I felt like slapping the dude even though he wasn't actually physically near me.

'Zayn. I am really angry at you but it isn't me who needs to know this. You need to come over here immediately and explain what happened to Perrie and then make things right!' I held myself back from yelling. 

'Do you mind if I bring a few of the lads with me?' He asked

'Whatever' i said before hanging up.

A first time for everything (little mix and one direction fan fiction) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now