How do I get her back?

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Jade's POV


I was in the kitchen cutting up vegetable for our salad when Perrie walked in crying. I ran up to her and hugged her tightly. She hugged my back and cried into my shoulder. 

We stayed there just hugging while she cried for a while. When the crying slightly slowed I asked her about it.

'Hun, what happened?' I asked quietly. Letting go just enough to see her face.

'I-i B-broke up w-with him.' She cried in between sobs. 

'Why?' I muttered because I couldn't help her unless I knew. 

'Because I had enough of his crap. Everytime I see him it's like a new drama arises. Before him cheating it was him being away, the same as me but he always found a reason not to call. Or how he had to record even though I do everything he does but I still find time for him. Or how we would fight over the littlest things like which restuarant we were going to. He is just so demanding! I had enough. Don't get me wrong. I love him to death. But is it so wrong to want a guy who is patient and charming. And wait's for me. Gives me time. Calls me. Is it so wrong?' She ranted.. She had gotten out of my grasp and was pacing the room but when she asked her question she stopped to look at me. 

'No hun. Nothing is wrong with that.' I answered her and she nodded in agreement. 

'Want to watch some movies and eat our salad that I made and then unhealthy crap?' I asked.

'Sounds like the best date I have ever had' She chuckled and we got started. She helped me prepare the rest of the salad and once we had eaten that. Is scouted the cupboards for unhealthy food while she tried to find some movies. 

'Perrie! We have like no crap foods! I know your all into the health and diet stuff but seriously! We need some junk food for night's like this!' I whined loud enough for her to me from the other room.

'I know. I'm sorry! We could go out to McDonalds or something?' She called from the other room.

'Nah! I'll go get macca's you stay here and choose a movie.' I called and grabbed my keys. 


15 minutes later I was in the line up to get macca's when some girls started screaming there heads off. 

I turned to see who they were screaming about and saw 5/5 of one direction. Ah shit. They just had to come to the same place didn't they?

They walked into the fast food place and 4/5 looked at me while Zayn just stared at the ground, moping.  I turned around to order my food, trying to ignore them. I was just here to get the food and go back to Perrie. 

It was a damn good idea not to bring Perrie.

I was waiting for my food while the boys ordered. Niall walked over to me with a warning glance from Louis. 

'Hey Jade.How is Perrie feeling?' He asked. 

'Oh she's like she would be after breaking up with a guy she is in love with. Just crying.' I mentioned, loud enough for Zayn to hear. Wanting to make him feel bad. 

'Jade. Keep it down. Zayn is feeling bad enough. He loves Perrie too.' Niall whispered to me. He was close enough so only I could hear. His eyes wide with astonishment that I would even try to make Zayn feel bad. Oh he was cute.

'You should have heard her rant about why she broke up with him. All how she had had enough.' I said louder and Niall grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the fast food place. 

'Shut up Jade! We know that Perrie is probably in a worse state then Zayn but it hurts Zayn too.' Niall warned me. 

'Niall. I don't care. He hurt my friend and if he is hurting then he damn deserves it!' I defended. 

Niall's phone buzzed and he looked at it before sighing. 

'Zayn wants to talk to you. Don't say anything nasty please.' He snapped at me before Zayn came out. Niall walked back in and started talking to the other boys. They all looked worried. 

'Hey Jade...' Zayn muttered.

'Zayn.' Was all I said. I was mad. 

'Can you tell me what I have to do to get her back?' He asked. 

I sighed. Should I tell him. Yes because perrie still loves the damn idiot. 

'Fine. Here is your advice. Be the guy she fell in love with at X Factor. Not the famous Zayn Malik from one Direction who is always running out of time to be with her and cheats. Be the Charming, funny, amazing guy who Perrie fell for. That's all she wants Zayn.' I told him before walking around him back into the restuarant. The boys all looked at me because Zayn was still standing outside. 

I grabbed the food I had ordered and left. 


Another 15 minutes and I was back inside our apartment sitting on the couch with Perrie. She had already put a movie on and we were already eating our Macca's.

'Jade? What took you so long?' She asked with her mouth full. Usually I would have told her off for that but this time I let it slide. 

'They were all there' I answered. 

She nodded her head and then sighed. 

'You told him what he had to do to get me back didn't you?' She asked again. I just nodded my head. 

'Jade! I didn't want that! I wanted him to figure it out. And before he did I was going to be with the guy that I was talking about so he would have to work harder.' Perrie whined.

'I'm sorry but your plan is a bit mean. If you did that you would just sort of be using that guy.' I told her. 

'No I wouldn't because he would be right unless Zayn proved me wrong.' She answered and then we both settled back into watching the movie. I was a bit scared of her plan. What on earth? Perrie had never even thought of doing something like that. But I guess, there is a first time for everything. 

A first time for everything (little mix and one direction fan fiction) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now