i trusted you
i trusted you would wait,
you would be willing to hold on to hope.
I waited for almost two years...
and then not even two months go by...and you gave up.
i'm hurt beyond recognition.
i can't believe you would do this to me.
i can't believe you decided that the best thing to do with
all of the time i invested in waiting and being patient
in all of the arguments you had to be with me
in all of the tears we shared for the nights we were alone.
you thought the best thing to do in this relationship is to end it?YOU ENDED EVERY HAPPY PART OF MY LIFE
every bright shining star the night you broke up with me went out
every moonlight
every sunny day
every reflection o light from ponds, puddles, and oceans
d i s s a p e a r e d"we should find relationships that will grow"
what did you think our relationship was?
did i not sacrifice enough?
did i do too little?
did i follow too many rules that were laid before me?
did i not cry enough every night for you?
did i not try enough to look good for you?
what did i do?"this isn't your fault"
then why wouldn't you even think about working something out?
why couldn't you wait for me like i waited for you?why did you shatter the fragile heart i gave to you?
i tried so hard...
but it wasn't enough... was it?
maybe next time, i'll give everything up, and leave nothing left of me.
This is for Us
RomanceUs, Them, and Everyone else who needs us. Who needs me, and most importantly... Everyone who needs you.