Long hair, no... short now. Falling into tightly wound curls, but now they are gentle waves, and with her jet black hair, it looks like the ocean at midnight. Strands fall from here to there, with light reflecting, similar to crashing white waves. Her skin is mocha, like the coffee I make for myself in the morning to get through the day, very pure and soft. She hates her lack of freckles but I think she is gorgeous without them. Her face is spotted with acne, but it's nothing like mine. Her eyes are brown, "poop brown", no... more of a wooden. The woods that I so long to roam, I get lost in her eyes as I imagine the forests we might roam together. She is shorter, but it just means I can get a better hug, tighter and closer to me.
She hates so much about herself, but it is impossible to not fall in love with every part. "My laugh is horrible," but it brings a flutter in my chest. "I hate my eyes," but what if I could roam in them forever? "I hate being short", but it allows me to hold you to my chest. "I wish they would just stop," although their words are harsh, it allows me to hear your voice for longer.
I am selfish for these thoughts but they will never cease, my heart beats to hear your voice and to see your smile, my mind races to keep up with your imagination, my legs walk to run with you through streets and forests, maybe soon, you'll be with me. You won't have to worry about your mother, your father, your brother, your bullies, your enemies, those who glare and mock, those you laugh or gawk. I will be the only one in you sight one day, but until that day comes. Know this,
You are the one. You are her. And I love you.
She - dodie

This is for Us
RomanceUs, Them, and Everyone else who needs us. Who needs me, and most importantly... Everyone who needs you.