Chapter 1

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I jump out of the window of my bedroom, spider suit on and ready to fight crime. I built an AI, her name is Karen and she helps me in tracking crime and what happens around the city. Aunt May doesn't know i'm Spiderman, and she is never home at night because she takes the night shift at the hospital. 

Sitting on a random roof i say "Karen. You got anything?"

'There is a robbery on 5th Peter at the bank. There seems to be four men, fully armed with weapons and ammunition' Karen replies, a small hint of worry in the AI's voice. 

"Thanks Karen. Don't worry, i'll be okay" I reassure her. 

I jump down from the roof and swing off to the bank, ready to stop the men and get some justice for Queens. 


I stare up at the sky from the abandoned roof i am currently lying on. 

"That was a good run don't ya think K?" I say, watching as a bird flies past. 

'It was Peter. I'm proud of you' She replies, her voice actually holding pride which makes me laugh because even though she is an AI, she still has all the emotions like a human does. 

"Thanks Karen. You got anything else for me?" I ask, still staring into the sky. 

A little while later she says 'There appears to be no crime occuring. Although i sense something coming your way. It may be a threat'.

I frown and sit up. I look around and see something flying my way, i quickly jump up as i realise what, or should i say who it is. Iron man, AKA Tony Stark. 

I wonder what he wants. 

He lands in front of me, his suit clanking against the roof as he does so. His mask falls revealing THE Tony Stark. I tilt my head in confusion as he steps forward, his hands raised as a sign of peace. 

"I need you to come with me Spiderman" He says, stepping toward me again. 

I frown not understanding what he wants with me, Karen seems to understand that i don't want him to hear my voice as she puts on the voice scrambler, that will deepen my voice. 

"Why do i need to come with you" I ask, smirking slightly at the sound of my deep voice. 

Tony seems to be listening to something before he replies, "We need to know your identity to know if you're a threat."

I back up closer to the edge of the roof as i reply "Listen, man. I don't want to give it to you, i want my identity a secret. Can't me saying i'm not a threat work?"

He seems to listen to something that i can't quite make out again as he sighs and replies "No. It's either you willingly give us your identity or we take it by force."

I act as though i'm thinking about it then blurt out "Force it is" and jump of the building, swinging away quickly. 

This isn't good, i now have the avengers on my tale. 

(Tony's P.O.V)

Sighing i walk into the meeting, eye patch decided to call a meeting, for God knows what reason. 

Fury glares when i walk in, obviously not liking that i'm late. Rolling my eyes i gesture for him to talk. 

"We have a new target. Spiderman. Shield needs his identity so we can see if he is a threat to civilisation or not. We have reports that he is out now, so i'm sending Stark in. You need to get his identity" Fury says, looking at me when he says his last bit. 

I groan loudly and say "do i really need to go". 

In return, eye patch throws an earpiece at me and says "Yes Stark. Wear that so i can tell you things if you need". 

Shaking my head, i stand up and double tap on the reactor, the suit wrapping around me but leaving my head exposed. 

Placing the earpiece in i say "Send FRIDAY the coordinates." 

My helmet wraps around my head and i walk out and start to fly to the Spider. 


I land with a clang when i spot the Spider. 

I noticed just how deep his voice and came to a subconscious decision that Spiderman must be around his late 20's to early 30's. 

Fury also kept telling me what to say to him which really annoyed me.

I watched as the spider backed up and soon jumped off the building. I panicked forgetting that he uses webs and sighed slightly when i see him swing away. I feel a little anger bubble inside of me as i know it will be hard to get his identity, and know force will have to be used. 

'Get back here Stark' I hear and angry pirate say in my ear. 

Shaking my head i fly back to base and to the others. 


"it looks like this Spiderman is going to be harder to catch then i thought" Fury says as soon as i settle into my seat beside Nat. 

He looks at us all with a serious look as he says "Next time, Cap and Stark are to go in. Use force if he does not cooperate." 

We all nod, knowing we don't have a choice if we want to go or not. 




A/N- Welp, that's the first chapter. I hope you liked it. 

- M xx 

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