Chapter 20

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(Third Person P.O.V)

Tears fell down Tony's face as he walked into Peter's room. His breath catching in his throat as he sees him lying there, wires and bandages all around him. You could say he was sleeping, but with the bruises on his face and the bandages you could fool no one. 

He sat beside Peter and took his hand tightly into his. 

"I'm so sorry kid. So so sorry." Tony whispers, looking to Peter. 


A week passed and Peter was yet to wake up. Some looked at it as a good thing because he was still alive. But others, like Tony didn't like it. He wanted his kid to wake up and to be alright. 


Tony walked back into Peter's room expecting to see him still laying there.

Instead he saw him sat up looking around. 

"Peter." Tony says in disbelief walking towards him. 

Peter turns and looks at Tony with fear in his eyes. 

"Dad, please don't hate me i'm really sorry i didn't tell you." Peter says, on the verge of tears. 

Tony stopped dead in his tracks and looked at Peter in shock. 

"Petey, calm down. No one is angry okay. We are the ones who are sorry. So so sorry for hurting you." Tony says. walking towards Peter. 

Peter furrows his eyebrows and says, "But i lied to you. And you only hurt me because you didn't have another choice."

Tony shakes his head and says, "No Pete, we nearly killed you."

Peter looks at Tony and thinks for a minute. Tony can feel the dread seeping in, him wishing he hadn't of said that. 

"I forgive you." Peter says, giving Tony a lopsided grin. 

Tony can feel the relief wash through him as he says, "Really kid?"

Peter nods quickly and says, "Yeah dad, as long as you don't do it again."

Tony smiles brightly at him and says "I would never do that."


After Peter explained to Tony why he was able to sit up painlessly, and that he had advanced healing, and strength the other soon came in. 

After multiple apologies, and Peter forgiving them he explained what he could do. Everyone listened intently to him, and Peter even showed them about it all, even though it scared Tony to high Heaven. 

Soon it was dark and everyone decided to stay with Peter for a sleepover as Bruce wanted him to stay till tomorrow to make sure he is okay. 

Everyone  laid down, Tony going with Peter and others on the sofa and floor. The family was back and better than ever. 




A/N- We are nearing the end my peoples. 

- M xx 

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