Chapter 2

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(Peter's P.O.V)

I still can't believe that I spoke to Iron man, he has always been my role model, ever since he saved me that night at the Stark expo. I know he technically spoke, well threatened Spiderman but come on. It was cool. Although i am a little scared at the fact they will be coming after me and using force. Oops. 

In other news though, today is the science fair. You have to build something and then it will be judged by two surprise judges.    

I hope i do good, i want Aunt May to be proud of me. I decided to make another AI, not like Karen though, i called her Susan. She helps with day to day things and can remind you to do things and so on. Her and Karen are already friends. 


"Aunt May. Let's go, please. I don't want to be late" I say, picking up the little device that Susan is in. 

May chuckles and replies "Alright Pete, i'm coming and we won't be late". 

I just look at her, giving her the look to please hurry. She smiles and grabs her bag and opens the door to usher me out. I smile back and bound out the door, looking forward to the fair. 


As i walk in (Aunt May went shopping before, it doesn't start for another 2 hours or so) i can't help but look around in wonder and awe at everyones creations. I can't help but feel like, and no offense, that Susan just won't cut it. 

I walk over to my stall and place the little cylinder device on the table and putting out the paper that explains what it is out.  

I spot Flash and try my best not to be seen by him. But our eyes make eye contact and an evil smile takes over his face as he puts down whatever he brought and walks over toward me. 

"Aww Penis, what shit have you made this time. It doesn't look very good" Flash says as he roughly picks up Susan. 

I look down sadly as i say "Please put it down Flash. Please."

Flash laughs, his laugh bitter and holding no humor as he says "Is Puny Parker going to beg."

Before i can answer someone calls his name, he slams Susan down and sends a glare to me before he saunters off. 

"Susan, you okay" I ask worriedly, putting her the right way up. 

A hologram open up and she says 'I'm okay Peter. Does he bully you often?'

I sigh, "Yeah, but it's okay. I'm used to it" i explain. 

A minute or so passes as she says 'Karen also doesn't like it'

Laughing slightly i reply "I know she doesn't. Believe me, I know."

Aunt May walks over and smiles when she sees Susan, "Did you make this?" she asks, her voice proud. 

I smile brightly and nod "Yep, this is Susan. Susan, say hi" I say. 

Susans hologram comes up again and she says 'Hello May. It is a pleasure to meet you.' 

May smiles brightly as she says "Oh, it's nice to meet you too Susan."

She turns to me and ruffles my hair saying "She's amazing Peter. You will do amazing okay."

I thank her and she smiles as she kisses my head and says she will go join the other people waiting for the results. I sit behind my stall, waiting for it to be judged. 


I can't believe it, the two special judges are Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. That's right. I'm meeting Tony Stark again, all within two days. Although then again, i was Spiderman at the time. 

They walk over and smile when they see me, Tony speaks up and says "So kid. Name, age and what have you made." 

I straighten up and smile at the two "Hi, my name is Peter. Peter Parker, i'm 15. And i've made an AI, her name is Susan and she can help with day to day things. Say hello Susan" I say, as professionally as i can. 

They seem impressed at what i said, and even more when Susan's hologram appears and she says 'Hello Mr Stark. Doctor Banner.'

Bruce starts to read what i wrote and Tony turns to me, "Did you make this by yourself?" He asks. 

I smile a little and say "Yes sir". 

They start to talk to Susan, asking her questions and all that. I just stand off to the side, watching. 

After a while Mr Stark looks to me with an impressed look as he says "Good job Peter. You should be proud of what you made." 

I look down and smile, quietly thanking them. 

"Thank you Peter" Dr Banner says, before he and Mr Stark walk away. 

I smile brightly to myself and say "Good job Susan."

'My pleasure Peter' She replies. 


I stood with Susan in my hand as Dr Banner and Mr Stark walked onto stage. A trophy in Dr Banners hands. 

Mr Stark clears his throat before saying "We have seen some amazing creations here, and we are grateful for all of your participation. But there is one creation that stood out for both of us, and that would be. Peter Parker, with his AI, called Susan. Come on up Peter"

I smile and start to walk up, i see Aunt May giving me a huge thumbs up, while Flash mouths 'You're dead'. 

After the award was given Mr Stark had said that he wanted to talk to me. 

I spoke to Aunt May who hugged me and said i did her proud, which made me very happy. 


I walk over to Mr Stark and Dr Banner and say "Mr Stark. You wanted to talk to me?"

He turns and smiles at me "Ah yes, Peter. Both Bruce and i were very impressed with what you made, and i was wondering if you would like to become my personal intern and work in the lab with me."

My eyes go wide as i say in astonishment, "really. Yes please."

He smiles and pats my shoulder "That's good news. Come to the tower tomorrow and i'll see you there." 

I just nod, freaking out internally as i thank him and wonder off. 

(Tony's P.O.V)

As soon as i saw what the kid made, i knew there was something special about him. Unlike the others that i forgot all their names to, his one just seemed to stick. So, i decided to give him and internship and see what else he can make. 

What's the worst that can happen?




A/N- :)

- M xx

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