Chapter 9

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(Peter's P.O.V)

Everything hurts as i crack my eyes open. I am met with darkness, only just being able to make out my surroundings from my powers.  

I could tell that i didn't look good. With the blood that was all around me and the pain shooting through my chest and head i could tell i was hurt bad. 

With a shaking hand i reach for my phone in my back pocket. I pull it out and see a crack running through the centre of the screen. Well that's new. 

I turn it on, thankful it still works and see it is five. I then noticed all of the missed calls and texts from everyone, i was meant to be back at 3:30, 4 latest. And text them if i was going to be late.

I pull myself up and lean my back against the wall, i was going to use my camera on my phone to see how bad i looked, but decided against it. 

I do pull up my shirt and shine the screen light onto it. I grimace as i am met with a black and blue stomach. Not good. 

I press onto Tony's contact and read through all the texts.

Tony- Kid, where are you?   Sent 3:45

Tony- Pete?  Sent 4:07

Tony- Peter i'm seriously worried now. Text me  Sent 4:21

Tony- Please text me back. Are you hurt? what happened?  Sent 4:43

Tony- That's it kid. I'm tracking your phone  Sent 5:01

I check the time and see it was only sent about 3 minutes ago. 

Peter- No it's okay. I'm fine, i'm really sorry. I'm coming back now.  Sent 5:04

Before i even stand and put my phone away Tony texts back. 

Tony- You are in big trouble when you get back.  Sent 5:05

I sigh, not bothering to reply. I pocket my phone and take a deep breath as i stand up, using the wall as a support. I wince as pain shoots through my entire body. I can feel the blood on my face and everywhere else, coating my clothes and sticking to my skin. 

I begin the slow walk back to the tower. Limping as one of my ankles shouts in protest when i try to put any pressure on it. 

I get sympathetic looks from people all around me, asking if i'm okay and need help. I just shake my head lightly and whisper a thank you. 

As i get closer to the tower i walk past a shop that had reflective glass. 

With the light from the street i could see myself in the glass. 

A cut sat idly on my forehead, blood still slipping down my face. Bruises already seem to cover the majority of my face. My nose was bruised and crooked, blood also still dripping down it. My lip was split badly and blood covered my shirt and it looked like i had been in a murder scene.  


After another 10 minutes of walking i get to the tower. 

I ignore all the shouts and people asking if i'm okay. I just silently walk to the elevator, feeling the day catch up to me as exhaustion sweeps across me. 

As the elevator doors open to reveal everyone sat on the sofas, Clint said loudly, "Well if it isn't the wanderer."

I didn't want to reply, just wanting to get to my room to try fix my face before they can see. 

As i turn away from them, and about to leave a hand is on my shoulder. I wince slightly and flinch away. 

"Peter. What's wrong? What happened?" I hear Tony say from behind me. 

I feel him remove his hand carefully, obviously worried about me flinching away again. 

"Nothing. I'm sorry i was so late." I say to him, still not turning around. 

"Peter, turn around." Tony says. 

I don't move so he lightly spins me around.

When i look to everyone, they all gasp as they take in my battered and beaten features. 

"Petey, what happened?" Tony asks me softly. 

I sigh and shake my head lightly, not wanting to talk about it. 

Tony looks at me sadly and guides me to the bathroom. 

"Sit there." He says as he points to the counter top. 

I jump up and sit there, feeling the pain in my chest come back. 

Tony comes over and picks up my hand and looks at my knuckles. I hear a sigh come from his lips and i look over to him. 

"You didn't fight. If you did that would mean your knuckles would be split or bruised. They're not. Why didn't you fight back Pete?" He asks. 

I look down, as he starts to clean up my face. 

"I can't fight him." I reply, still not meeting his eye, i would of said i could kill him but he still doesn't know i'm spiderman. I just have to hope no one notices how fast my bruises heal.

"So you are being bullied." He states. I know there is no point in fighting back, the evidence is clear. 

"What do i do?" I ask quietly. 

He lightly lifts my chin so i look at him. 

"You do nothing. Me and the others will deal with it." He says, no room for argument in his voice. 

"What's his name?" He carries on. 

I shut my eyes and whisper "Flash Thompson." 

Tony nods, a small smile on his face and says, "Thanks Petey. We'll deal with him."


After he cleaned my face of all the blood he let me leave. I decided against telling him about my stomach and chest as that could expose me when they heal by tomorrow. 

I decided to go out and watch a film with the others. 




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