Chapter 19

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A/N- You're all going to hate me. :) Sorry not sorry. 

(Third Person P.O.V)

The avengers had finally done it. They had finally taken down Spiderman. They didn't intend to hurt him this much, but they are yet to fully regret their actions. 

They all watch as the spider falls unconscious, grimacing slightly at the metal that cut through his chest. 

Tony leans over and starts to pull the spiders mask off. 

The face of Peter, battered and bruised meets their eyes. Regret instantly swarms them as their world crashes down around them. 

"No. No no no. This isn't happening. Please tell me this is a nightmare. My-my kid. No." Tony sobs as he falls beside his son. 

Everyone follows, feeling worse than ever. They might of just killed someone in their family. And a child for that, and for what.  An identity, this should never of happened. But it has, and now they can't change it. 

Everyone had tears following down their faces, even Nat who would anything for this to not happen. In fact they all would. 

Steve cleared his throat and looked down at Peter's pale face, knowing they need to get him help. 

"We need to get him help Tony." He says, gently resting his hand on Tonys shoulder. 

He tears his gaze away from his kid, guilt, sadness and anger all swirling within him. He wasn't angry at Peter, but instead himself. 

He nods and picks Peter up carefully, grimacing when he sees how much blood he has lost, from both his shoulder and abdomen that looks like it's been sliced right through. 

Without wasting another second he lets the suit wrap around him and he flies off to toward the tower, hoping and praying with every muscle in him that his son will be okay. 


Tony ran into the med bay, with a limp Peter in his arms. 

Bruce turned around, shock and worry forming on his face as he sees Peter, looking extremely hurt, but also the fact he has the spiderman suit on. 

Bruce had been planning on going to bed, but he now knew he wouldn't be getting sleep for a long while. 

"Put him there." Bruce instructs as nurses start pouring into the room. 

Before Tony can protest he is pushed out of the room. Feeling his heart break, he might of killed his son. 


Hours passed with still no news. Everyone was sat in the waiting area, tears still falling down their faces. Guilt eating away at them with every second that passed and they were left in the dark. 

Pepper came as soon as she heard. At first she was angry at them all, and worried for her son. But when she saw how sad and broken they all seemed, she lightened up and hugged Tony while crying into his shoulder. 


It's now 6AM, and Bruce has just come out of the room. 

His expression is sullen and everyone can feel their fear rise. 

"We've done everything we can. But the chances of survival are slim. When he feel through the roof, his already broken ribs broke worse. They ended up puncturing his lungs more than once. And metal had sliced through his abdomen, and he lost a lot of blood, and a lot of internal damage. I-I think you should be prepared for the worst." Bruce says, tears falling down his face as he delivers the news. 

Everyone looks at him in shock, as tears fall faster and stronger down their face. 

They did this. 

They might of killed their kid. And it's all their fault. 




A/N- Until Tuesday people. 

- M xx

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