Chapter 7

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(Peter's P.O.V)

I wake up with a groan and roll over in bed. My ribs ache badly, but thankfully are nearly healed and all the scratches from arrows and punches are almost or are healed. 

"FRIDAY, what's the time?" I ask groggily. 

'9:47 Peter. Everyone is in the kitchen, and there are pancakes,' FRIDAY replies. 

At the mention of pancakes I jump out of bed, although flinch as my ribs protest in pain. I sigh, knowing I will have to ignore it if I don't want to be questioned by what is wrong. 


I walk out and smile sheepishly at everyone, they all smile back and say good morning to which I reply to. 

As I sit on a stool in the kitchen Mr Stark walks passed and ruffles my hair. 

"Sleep well Pete?" He asks me. 

I look up and smile saying "Yeah, the bed was comfy, thanks Mr Stark."

He smiles back and says, "when you're ready we can head to the lab for a bit."

I nod and eat some pancakes, thanking Mr Rogers for them. 

After eating I went down to the lab, to see Mr Stark there. 

"You okay Pete," he asks. 

I must have zoned out for a while, because I found myself just stood in the centre of his lab looking into the distance. My mind remembering what had happened yesterday. 

I nod and say, "yeah Mr Stark, I'm okay. Sorry."

He shakes his head with fondness and beckons me over to him. 


After working in the lab for a few hours we went back up stairs to get some food. 

It still felt weird being here, because these people are super heros.

Some may say I am, but most call me, or Spiderman, a vigilante.

And I know they all like me, or at least mostly, but I can't help but think it is crazy how somehow I have ended up being apart of all of this. 

After eating, we all watch another film. 

Something about doing this and being here just feels normal. But it can't last, if they ever find out about Spiderman I will die. 


The weekend carried on like that and i made sure not to go out as Spiderman just in case. 




A/N- This is so short i am so sorry. 

- M xx

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