Chapter 5

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(Peter's P.O.V)

One month has passed since i started doing the internship, and i can honestly say, i have loved it. Mr Stark is actually the opposite of what i thought, he isn't stuck up, nor rude. Well at least to me he isn't. 

He is really nice to me, and when i make something he always seems so proud of me. I know it's way too early to say this, but i feel like he is turning into my father figure, which makes me happy as i never really met my dad and then Uncle Ben died. May tries her best to be it all, and she is amazing, but i like how everything is now. 

Miss Potts is also so kind, whenever we are working she always comes and gives us some food which makes me very happy. She is always there to offer a smile and to scold Mr Stark if he hasn't done his paperwork or missed a meeting. It always makes me chuckle when i see how scared Mr Stark gets of Miss Potts, but i'm not that surprised, she can be scary. It's also funny because they're marries, (Miss Potts kept her last name for business) and she uses it against Mr Stark sometimes. 

Recently i haven't had many run ins with ironman and Captain America. They have come, but i always got away mostly unscathed other than a few scratches and bruises. 

I started to go to my internship after school and staying until around 8. 

I'm yet to meet the avengers, but i don't mind as i'm worried what could happen as some are spies and are trained to spot liars. AKA, me. 


I was sat in the lab, working on the suit with Mr Stark, when he checks the time. 

He places down his tools and stands, he then turns and looks at me with a hesitant smile. 

He clears his throat and says, "So kid. You know how you haven't met the avengers yet?"

I can feel my heart speed up at the prospect of meeting them all, feeling the nerves kick in. Nevertheless i nod, looking to Mr Stark.

"Well, they have been bugging me for a while, wanting to meet the kid that somehow started to work with me." He says, i frown slightly at his wording. 

He laughs lightly and says, "Don't worry Pete, it was the best choice i ever made picking you."

I smile brightly at that, feeling relieved that he likes having me around and i'm not a burden. 

"Anyway, where was I. Oh yes, well i have been trying to keep you away from them, with Peppers help, because i don't want you stolen away from me, but they keep bugging me, so do you want to come eat dinner with us all. Normally i tend to ask Pepper to bring it here for us so we don't have to see them, but i think now is the time." He explains. 

I place my tools down also, and stand up. I look to Mr Stark with a nerves smile and says, "Okay. Let's do this thing." 

He smiles and slings his arm over my shoulder, "If it gets to much for you to handle, with all their questions. Just let me or Pep know and we'll take you out okay." He reassures me. 

As we step into the elevator i say, "will do Mr Stark."


As soon as the doors to the elevator slid open, and all the avengers were sat around the table, i felt my nerves pick up even more. 

When they heard the ding of the elevator doors, all their attention was turned to us. At first there was confusion as to why i was there, but then one by one a smile took over their faces. 

Mr Stark lightly pushes me forward, arm still slung over my shoulder to keep me moving. 

Once we are near them Mr Stark says, "This is Peter Parker, my personal intern. I expect you all to be nice to him and not steal him."

I see Mr Stark look down at me, signalling me to say hi. 

I step forward a little a wave shyly, whispering, "hi, i'm Peter. It's nice to meet you."

I may be spiderman but that doesn't mean that i'm not very intimidated and scared of all of earth's mightiest heroes. 

This seems to snap them out of it, as they all start talking over each other-

'How old is he?'

'Oh my God he is like a puppy.'

'Cinnamon roll alert.'

'How smart are you?'

'Can we keep him.'

The questions keep coming and i feel my senses start to become overloaded with all the sound. I back up, until i lightly him Mr Stark. He seems to see my distress as he pulls me beside him. 

"STOP" He shouts, making everyone shut up, and making my senses calm down. 

Everyone mutters an apology and sit back down. Mr Stark guides me to two empty seats and tells me to sit down, 

As we start eating some pizza, (which may i say tastes amazing), Mr Stark says to ask questions, but in an orderly manner. 

"How old are you?" Miss Romanoff asks. 

"I'm 15" I reply. 


The questions carried on like this while we ate, some i didn't answer, like about my family. Of course Mr Stark and Miss Potts knew, but i guess i just didn't want them to know just yet. 

They were all super nice, and i knew that i would be spending more time with them. 

It's completely different from what i'm used to, with being Spiderman and them always coming after me. 


It's Monday, which means one thing. School. 

I walk in and see Ned. I smile when i see him and say "Hey dude, how was your weekend." 

Ned returns the smile and says, "It was awesome dude. I got a new LEGO set and it's so cool. What about you?"

Before i can answer i am slammed into the locker by no other than Flash Thompson. 

The bully and arse of the school. 

"I bet Penis spent his weekend with his parents." He says. 

I roll my eyes as he then bursts into laughter and says, "Oh wait. You don't have any."

This is normal for school nowadays, he always picks on me. But recently he has also started to become more physical, and even though i am Spiderman, it worries me about how much he could hurt me with me now going to the internship. I'm worried that if my healing factor doesn't heal it in time, they might question me. 

But i guess i'll have to cross that bridge when i cross it. I just hope i won't have to cross the bridge. 




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