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richie stood in front of eddie. "eleven, take a chill pill please. you don't want to hurt eddie, he's your friend."

eleven shook her head, laughing forcefully. "he left me. he's not my friend. friends don't lie. he's a monster."

eddie poked his head out from richies protective arms. "el, please. it's me eddie. the friend you met in the lab. remember the bracelet you hid in the wall for me?"

elevens eyes twitched and her hands jerked. "no, all i remember is that you left me. you're selfish and deserve to be killed."

eddie tried not to let her words hurt him as he took a different approach. "what about your dad? hopper? do you remember him?"

eleven took an unnatural step forward and her eyes darkened. "burn in hell."

richie shoved eddie backwards, sending him tumbling to the ground.

eleven launched at richie, the knife sinking deep into his shoulder as he let out a cry of pain. he collapsed to the floor, clutching his shoulder as blood seeped out of it.

eleven stumbled backwards, her hand going to her mouth as she stared in horror at richie. "oh my god. i'm so sorry, i don't know why i did that."

eddie stood up, anger stirring in him as his feet lifted off the ground. "get away from richie."

richie tried to get up but failed. instead, he propped himself up on one arm and yelled to eddie. "eds! don't hurt her, she's herself again!"

but eddie didn't hear him, he was too focused on the fact that his richie was hurt. and it was all because of eleven.

eleven took a shaky step backwards, her eyes widening. "eddie?"

eddie pointed his palm at her, feeling his power running through his body.

"eddie stop!" a voice demanded from behind him.

eddie faltered, his power dimming but not fading entirely.

hopper ran in front of eleven, his arms held up and his eyes focused on the angry teen. "calm down eddie."

eddie shook his head, conflicted. "she hurt richie."

bill and stan joined hopper in front of eleven who was growing increasingly confused.

stanley spoke up. "eddie, they injected her with something to make her violent. it will wear off soon. don't hurt her."

eddies feet lowered to the ground. "how do you know?"

"we saw her file. it said that they put some sort of poison in her to make her act like this. it isn't permanent though, they just wanted to scare you off. and possibly kill eddie. but they didn't, so let's get out of here, okay?" hopper said.

bill walked over to eleven, holding a syringe. "this won't h-hurt a lot. it will make you s-sleep and when you w-wake up you'll feel b-better."

eleven nodded and let him inject her with it.

elevens eyes started to get droopy and she unsteadily turned to eddie. "i'm sorry for stabbing that boy."
then she collapsed into hoppers arms.

eddie rushed to richies side, trying his best to stop the bleeding. "i'm sorry rich, i should've used my powers earlier."

richie offered a painful smile. "it's okay, eds. it's not a fatal wound, just a fucking annoying one."

eddie smiled at him, offering a hand. "all we have to do now is get out of here."

richie nodded and took his hand, wincing as he stood up. "let's get the fuck out of this place."

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