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elliot and mike wandered the lab, finding it strange that almost no one was there.

"elli, where would eleven be?" mike asked, nervously pressing into the blond boys side.

"around this corner actually."

they turned the corner and stopped in their tracks.

doctor brenner stood there with a gun.

"look who it is, elliot."

elliot quickly stood in front of mike, his eyes locked on brenner mistrustfully. "put the gun down."

brenner laughed. "or what? you'll make a dead person come back to life?"

elliot glared at him. "just let mike go."

brenner shook his head. "you had the audacity to escape, cost me tons of money trying to find you, then come back and capture edward, and now you're back trying to take eleven?! you're not going anywhere."

"i didn't capture eddie, i rescued him." elliot said defiantly.

brenner rolled his eyes. "whatever. i knew you were coming. so i make eleven different. you won't want her now. she's not herself anymore. so tell everyone to leave before i kill them."

elliot furrowed his eyebrows. "what do you mean she's different?"

"i turned her into a monster. the only thought in her head now is to kill eddie. and if anyone stops her from doing it, she'll kill them too."

elliot gasped. "why would you do that? how did you do that?"

brenner chuckled. "i'm smarter than you'll ever be. eddie is probably dead by now so i suggest the rest of your friends leave before she kills them too."

elliot took a step back, gripping mikes hand tight. "you're letting us go?"

brenner nodded. "go before i change my mind."

they turned around, getting ready to flee. but before they even took a step, brenner fired.

mike collapsed to the ground, his hands going to his stomach where the bullet pierced him.

elliot dropped to his knees beside him, panic filling his expression. "oh shit, mike. mike, oh god. there's so much blood."

mike stared up at the ceiling, his eyes unfocused. he was slipping fast. the bullet had grazed his heart.

elliot grabbed a hold of his hand, crying uncontrollably. "no, no, no. mikey, please look at me. please don't go. i can't lose you. mike, look at me."

mike did.

elliot smiled sadly, knowing what he would have to do. "just relax, okay? go into the light, everything will be okay."

mike gazed at the ceiling again, letting a single phrase pass his lips before he slipped away.

"i love you, elliot."

elliot sobbed harder, holding the dead boys hand tightly and rocking back and forth. "it's okay, mikey. i'm not going to let you die."

brenner smiled. "but he's already dead, elliot."

elliot turned towards him, anger filling him. "why the fuck would you do that?! you said you were letting us go!"

brenner chuckled. "i lied."

elliot took a deep breath. he couldn't focus on that dick at the moment. he pressed his hands against mikes wound, wincing at all the blood. he focused his energy on bringing mike back.

he thought of mike. and his smile. and how kind he was. how thoughtful. he thought of mikes laugh. he thought of mikes kind eyes.

elliot felt his energy pass into mike, he felt a part of him vanish. but that was okay.

there was a bright wave of light as mikes wound healed itself and the bullet fell to the floor.

mike opened his eyes and took a deep breath, looking confused. "what happened?"

elliot smiled in relief and collapsed to the floor, the whole world swaying. brenner did this on purpose.
he knew elliot would bring mike back. it was not just a trap for eddie, but for elliot.

mike rushed to elliots side. "elli? what's wrong? what happened?"

elliot took mikes hand once again and squeezed it tight. "listen to me mike, i need you to get out of here. please. don't get the others, just go wait in the van."

mike shook his head, tears streaming down his cheeks. "not without you."

elliot sadly smiled. "yes without me. i'm not going to make it, mikey. i'm so sorry. but i couldn't let you die. you're braver than you think, okay? be yourself. and let go of me, i don't want to hold you back. i love you mikey."

mike sobbed, clutching elliots hand. "just get up, we can walk out together."

brenner shoved mike off elliot, placing a gun to his head. "bye bye, elliot."

mike felt a rage stir in him. no one was going to hurt his elliot. he let out a yell of rage as he tackled brenner, sending the gun flying across the room.

mike grabbed it and pointed it at brenner. "go, leave us alone."

brenner pressed a button on the wall, making alarms go off and then he dashed out of the room.

mike rushed over to elliot, gently picking him up. "you asshole," he whispered as he ran them out of the lab. "you had me really scared that you were going to die."

elliot struggled to keep his eyes open. "s-sorry."

mike looked down at the half gone boy. "it's okay, love. i'm going to get you help, just hang on."

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