The Little (Seunglix) (2)

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Ship: Seungmin x Felix
Genre: Fluff

Description: A normal day at home with the Seunglix couple. Seungmin spoiling the adorable little with love and affection.


Seungmin cooed at the sight of his boyfriend, Felix. The older was currently cuddling with his teddy bear while watching Lilo & Stich. The taller one went to go fetch his camera that was hiding somewhere in his room. Finding it after a couple of minutes under his bed. Heading back to the living room and took a photo of his baby boy.

Lix looked at his caregiver and made grabby hands, Seungmin chuckled before picking up his baby. Felix rested his head on Seungmin's chest, "dada, I luv you.". The younger smiled at his little. "I love you too, my handsome prince." He complimented making Felix giggle. Seungmin ruffled the Australian's hair before getting off the couch.

Setting Felix carefully on the cushions, the little started whining. "Daddy! No..!" He started crying, obviously wanting his daddy's comfort. Seungmin immediately sat back down, setting Felix back on his chest. Cradling him like the baby he was. Seungmin placed a peck on his baby boy's forehead.

Felix's cries settled down, only hiccups coming out of his mouth. "What's wrong baby?" Seungmin asked, kissing Felix's cheek to reassure him. "Da-da, don g-go." Felix murmured. Seungmin rubbing Lix's back. "Daddy isn't going anywhere, want me to make some milk for my baby?"

Felix nodding, but not letting Seungmin go at all. The younger just held Lix on one arm and stood up, heading to the kitchen to get some milk. He opened up the fridge and took out Felix's sippy cup filled with milk. Closing the fridge before handing the older his milk. Felix laid his head on Seungmin's shoulder while drinking his milk.

The younger of the two set down the younger on the couch. Moving Felix's strawberry blonde hair out of his face before going to the restroom. After flushing the toilet he went back to the living room to check out how his baby is doing.

He saw tears down his baby's face, the sippy cup now on the floor. Seungmin rushed over to Felix and cradled him back into his arms, "why are you crying again, bubba?". The older just cried even more, his sobs getting more louder. "Aw, baby it's okay. Daddy's here." Seungmin whispered.

"Da-da, don't leave lixie.." Felix mumbled, his boyfriend finally catching on to why his little was crying. "I'm not leaving, daddy just needed to use the bathroom." Seungmin hugged his baby's waist. Feeling Felix calm down in his arms. He looked directly into the little's eyes and gave him pecks all over his face. Making Lix crack a smile on his face which made Seungmin smile back.

Felix whined, clawing at Seungmin's hoodie. The younger chuckled before getting the hoodie off of him and onto his boyfriend. The hoodie was VERY big on Felix but it just made the younger more adorable. Lix started giggling at his sweater paws which made Seungmin cooed even more.

"Baby, do you want to go somewhere?" Seungmin asked, Felix nodding immediately as he was bored in their apartment. Seungmin stood up, holding Felix bridal style then going to their shared bedroom. He opened Felix's closet and picked out a yellow oversized hoodie with white shorts.

He put on bunny ears onto Felix's head making the older look even more adorable. Felix smiled in the mirror, Seungmin giving the older a small kiss on his neck. He grabbed his baby's hand and headed outside. Walking to the park that wasn't far away from their apartment. Felix skipped to the swings while Seungmin was following behind. They sat on the swings, talking about who was cuter of the two.

"No! Minnie is cuter!" Felix argued."I'm not cute! I'm manly, you're cute!" Seungmin chuckled, Felix pouted. He pointed to himself, "manly.". Seungmin snorted at his baby. "Yes, yes. Baby, you are very manly." Seungmin smiled.

"I'm manly." Felix's deep voice came out of nowhere making shivers send down Seungmin's body. But at this point the younger wasn't suprised, knowing Lix's deep voice was going to end up in their conversation somewhere.

"No, you're my little."

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